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  1. D

    Trouble unsuspending account

    I was recently suspended for inactivity, and every time I try and send an removal request, I get Error 6DCDAAE8. My account username is drf1229. Anything help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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    php mail() code help

    I've had problems with mail, as some messages don't go through. I've avoided this by using google's smtp server instead.
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    SMF : PHP Mailing

    Found a solution to the mail issue. Try sending the message through google's smtp network instead of x10hosting's.
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    PHP Mail() not working for certain emails

    Found a solution!!! Try using smtp through gmail (making an account of course!) instead of x10hosting!
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    PHP Mail() not working for certain emails

    I tried using smtp and the message sends but I still don't receive it.
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    SMF : PHP Mailing

    I've experienced issues with mail() recently. I wonder if this is a server issue too.
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    php mail() only works for certain emails

    I've had some problems with a mail() script. For some odd reason, it sends emails to one of my gmail emails yet doesn't to my other. Has anybody else faced this issue? My mail function returns true each time, yet the message doesn't reach the server. Is this a free hosting issue? I'd like to be...
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    500 internal server error

    Hmm... I tried creating a blank file with the same code typed in and came up with the same error. ( I also created my own 500.shtml file. When I do this, I no longer get errors in the log, but its still going to an error handler, so...
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    500 internal server error

    When I clicked on the error log, I got the following error: [Sun Feb 28 15:19:53 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/drf1229/public_html/500.shtml
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    500 internal server error

    Hey thanks for your response! Sorry about the missing link, I renamed the file to do something and forgot to change it back. I changed it back so the link now works. I tried the script with the added line, but I still have the same error. I didn't upload the file from my computer but just...
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    Email script not working

    Are the $username and $password parameters for this script your credentials to get into cpanel or are they smtp specific?
  12. D

    PHP Mail() not working for certain emails

    Mail() always returns true, yet the message isn't anywhere to be found in certain emails. In the email that works, it shows up in the junk folder. I'm going to look into shadowslashes solution, any suggestions for that?
  13. D

    500 internal server error

    I keep getting a 500 internal server error whenever I try to run a cgi script. It looks like this: I don't get it because this is all I have in my script: #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print...
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    PHP Mail() not working for certain emails

    Thanks for your response! Can you please elaborate on how to create a custom CGI engine, as I've never done this before?
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    PHP Mail() not working for certain emails

    For some odd reason PHP mail() supports only certain emails. I'm trying to create an email confirmation system, but I can't do that if certain emails do not work. Heres what I have: $to = ""; $subject = "New visitor"; $message = "A new visitor with the ip $ip has visited...
  16. D

    using mail server

    Ok, I know I'm not the same guy, but I'm experiencing a similar problem. My mail function looks like this: $to = $_POST['email']; $subject = "New visitor"; $message = "A new visitor with the ip $ip has visited your site! \n \n The total list is: $filetext1"; $from = ""...
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    What Kind of Script is this?

    That takes some creative php design. You need a place to upload the files, a place to keep/view the files, etc.
  18. D

    Iframe src= URL + text field

    ok, well i'm only 14. A little javascript that does something like that looks like this: <form> <input type="text" id="yourtextfield"/> <input type="button" onclick="submit();"/> </form> <iframe id="youriframe"></iframe> <script type="text/javascript"> function submit(){...
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    Iframe src= URL + text field

    Well if you like javascript, the task you want can easily be accomplished with that language. Just read the tutorials and you'll be able to do it.
  20. D

    Iframe src= URL + text field

    You need to be more specific. What language do you want to use? PHP, ASP, Javascript, etc. Server side languages like PHP and ASP may not be the best because they will reload the page. Javascript will allow you to make changes without reloading the page, which might be what you are looking for...