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  1. D

    Writing to database?

    I noticed that when I first looked at it. Too bad I didn't see this yesterday :)
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    Need help!

    It looks like your links to your images are incorrect. Try entering the full url, such as "" of your images and not an abbreviated url like "/image.png".
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    x10hosting shows all contents of a folder!

    Did anybody realize that if you type in the url of a folder on your website, x10hosting shows and gives access to all the files in the folder? This scared me, so I immediately moved all of the files to the root folder. Is there any solution to this?
  4. D

    Moron question

    Thank you so much for your replies! I feel like such an idiot now...
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    PHP file upload problem

    Are you sure you uploaded the same file both times? I've never encountered this error, however since I'm the only one who uses file uploads on my website, I took off all of the file limits. Try taking off the first limit: if (($_FILES["file"]["type"] == "application/pdf") &&...
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    Moron question

    I usually use PHP and files instead of SQL but I felt like I should learn how to use SQL. Thank you for your advice!
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    Moron question

    I am a programmer of many languages but I have a few issues. I want to learn sql code but have no idea where to input it! Do I make files or is there a program I use? Please, captain obvious point it out to me... Thanks in advance!
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    Password Protect

    What do you mean not very secure? Who could possibly access the code? That scares me :O
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    javascript alert help

    Oh I never put that. I just wouldn't put it as an anchor but a <div>
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    javascript alert help

    Ok first of all omit return false; No need for that. Second, I recommend instead of ' put \" (just the way I do it) To change the title, I believe you just do this: window.title="New title";
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    Password Protect

    Okay, heres the idiots guide for password protecting a page manually. First of all, you need two files. 1. The file that has the form (Doesn't need to be PHP) 2. The file that the form gets send to (Must be PHP) So first you want to create the form in the first file, like so: <form...
  12. D

    PHP and DOM

    Ok to post PHP code in javascript is simple. All you have to do is surround it by PHP tags and the "print" function. Here is an example: document.getelementbyid("object").value=<? print "$var";?>; Its as simple as that!
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    Small errors with feedback section

    On my website ( I made a user feedback section where people can place their feedback onto a page of the website. It works like this: The feedback page is a file that gets edited each time a user submits feedback using PHP's fread and fwrite. This works...
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    Math made easy!

    Solve simple or complex math problems in seconds with my website. Please give me your feedback!
  15. D

    Can i redirect pages automatically?

    <script type="text/javascript"> window.location="http://redirectpage.html"; </script>
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    Login Secure Pages

    My way: Make a txt file that stores all the users' info: username, pw, and all the info on the page. Make a log in cookie to be stored when the user logs in. Then, when the user goes to his/her page, it reads the info off the txt file (based on the log in cookie) and writes to the doc...
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    PHP help

    I'd double check the link and make sure your php page is in the same folder as your index page. The link you gave goes to a 404 page.
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    Please post your feedback on my site

    So you mean in the explanations section, right? The quadratic equation explanation has that. You mean like dreamweaver?