Search results

  1. A

    Adjective/Noun pairs

    In this game, the adjective is supplied for you, and you must give the noun to match it with, and then a new adjective for the next user. For example: User 1 supplies the adjective: squishy User 2 responds: Squishy bananas. Flat...
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    Forum Game <Wish>

    They put them on fast servers but you have to subscribe to watch more than the first 60 seconds. I wish that my vacation could be longer.
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    [game} Rename the person above you

    Mitch to Itch M
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    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get back a digital rights management error. I insert a serving of Cheerios.
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    Word Assoation Game

    arm >> loan
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    Last person to post in this thread wins!

    What does the winner get?
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    Alternate Search Engine you use

    Live Search, Google, and Yahoo! it just depends on what I'm looking for. I usually use Live first because it comes up when I pull up the browser. I sometimes use Google for conversions among various systems of measure.
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    The first website you visted ??

    Yahoo! We "got The Internet" in our high school--it was a big deal. We only had it in one classroom (the "technology" classroom--imagine that) and this was when they were showing on the homepage what all new web sites were popping up. Speedo was at the top of the list. With a handful of high...
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    Why are Volvos so cool?

    What a disappointment. So many of you scorn Volvo enthusiastically. Volvo has a heritage of making excellent vehicles that not only protect people but showcase new technology, exude beauty, coddle passengers like no other vehicle can, and do it far more responsibly than other manufacturers.
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    What's your favorite browser?

    Whatever gets the job done. I normally use IE because it's there and loads quickly. This is probably NOT the right place to admit, but I am annoyed by all those diehard Firefox followers who bash IE. It's just annoying. Almost as annoying as Apple worshippers--er, I mean, enthusiasts.
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    Why are Volvos so cool?

    Oh come on--surely there are more Volvo fans in these forums than just me. I don't even drive/own one. I only long to do so. :-) Really think the new S80 is more beautiful than anything to come out of North America. Not really a fan of muscle cars, I guess.
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    Current Gas Prices

    $4.14 for 87 octane unleaded. :thinks wistfully about $0.79/gallon
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    WordPress Themes and Plugins

    I'm currently using Pure 1.3. It's not my favorite, but it works the best with my site.
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    Why are Volvos so cool?

    :-) Volvo captures the coolness of Scandanavia without making it weird or quirky. I'm a big fan of anything Swedish.
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    Why are Volvos so cool?

    Volvos were safe before safe was cool.
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    Why are Volvos so cool?

    I just thought I'd try to get people talking about Volvos. Specifically why Volvos are cool, why they are really awesome cars. I think the newer designs are really beautiful with gorgeous curves and they are safe and have cool technology (like being able to hook up your USB music player).
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    What are you listening to?

    Right now all I can hear is the air conditioner unit outside my office building. But I would rather be listening to Ace of Base.
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    Game Maker?

    Is it very different from the Klik programs? I thought those were so cool. I always started with grand ideas but gave up; I was never very happy with my artwork. If it wasn't going to be played on a CGA monitor, my characters would be exposed as the crappy drawings that they really are.
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    Where do you shop?

    I can understand McDonald's being too expensive. If you're not ordering off their dollar menu then you're spending too much! Culver's is my favorite "fast" food place (not really that fast but tastes a lot better than McD albeit more expensive). Don't really shop much other than groceries. All...
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    500 Internal Server Error

    Thanks. I'll try that and create a new thread if I'm still having problems.