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  1. W

    Nokia n800

    Its web browsing is good, though sometimes it gets a lil overloaded and crashes on sites with poor coding or excessive images/videos (ie most myspace pages or any other sort of site). The touch screen keyboard is adequate, but most users opt to buy a BT (bluetooth) Keyboard for it, they sell...
  2. W

    Nintendo DS

    I have been a psp fan since day one, i feel i'm loyal to sony and those who own a ps2 and or psp probebly feel the same way, we love our games with instense graphix, awesome gameplay, twisted storylines and we all wanna experience it on a huge screen, thus the psp would be our choice of...
  3. W

    [OFFICIAL] PlayStation 3 + Oppinions

    I think that with the PS3 Sony may be heading towards a real mistake. They have already admitted it is going to be expensive but I actually read somewhere that when asked about its price being prohibitive for kids and families, they stated that they didn't really care if those markets couldn't...
  4. W

    My php Form tutorial

    You will need 2 files. One will be a HTML page with a form on it. The other file will be pure php script that will phase the information from the HTML formant send it to you as an E-Mail. Once the Form has been submitted a "Thanks we have your Message" message will appear to give the...
  5. W

    Photoshop - Noxious clouds

    If you would want to make a "noxious cloud" effect on an image, follow these EASY, EASY steps 1st step: Open an Image file that you want to put a "nouxious cloud" effect on. For this tutorial I used this one: (LOL) 2nd step: Create a new layer with Layer>New>Layer. Then, set your...
  6. W

    phpBB - Installing Templates/Skins

    How to Install phpBB Templates 1. Go to the phpBB Styles download page or 2. Select the template that you want, I downloaded the template called "Counter-Strike" from After downloading, unzip/untar the package. 4. Login to your FTP 5. Upload the template's...
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    Flash Tutorials

    Here you can find lots of Flash Tutorials. They are explained so everyone can understand. Macromedia Flash Tutorials Enjoy !
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    4 Tips to build a successful forum

    4 Tips to build a successful forum 1) Spread the news of your forum to your friends. They are the best people to further promote your forum if they find it interesting and useful. 2) Suit the taste of your friends as much as possible. This is because you can only keep visitors that like your...
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    Top Website Design Programs

    Hope these links will be helpful: Macromedia Dreamweaver® 8 - Buy | Try More from Adobe: Adobe - Products and services Microsoft FrontPage 2003 - Buy | More Info More from Microsoft: Light design software: HTML Kit - Download HTML...
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    Hello All x10 Members

    My name is Paul, i'm from Romania and i'm new here on the forum. Is nice to be here and i'm glad for joining. What i want? - Actualy i'm searching for the best web hosting.(like everyone does "i think") - I want to make a nice website and keep it in good standing and maybe in TOP for a long...