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  1. D

    Attendance Sheet Re-Made (Keep This One Active)

    mattblog DeadBattery stardom techairlines mattblog lukoot icywind335 xav0989 techairlines mattblog lukoot mattblog lukoot conzone DeadBattery Mattblog DeadBattery MattBlog darzamora techairlines Mattblog DeadBattery lukoot Mattblog darzamora
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    My Personal Website

    how about slicing the logo to make it load faster...
  3. D

    Attendance Sheet Re-Made (Keep This One Active)

    mattblog DeadBattery stardom techairlines mattblog lukoot icywind335 xav0989 techairlines mattblog lukoot mattblog lukoot conzone DeadBattery Mattblog DeadBattery MattBlog darzamora
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    my site is down

    it seems that it is not only me who experience this... my site is down as well :(
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    Do you remember which game you played first ????

    The old prince of persia, and pacman on my PC-XT. ;)
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    Where Do You Come From?

    i live in a tropical country with fascinating landscapes, active volcanoes, splendid beaches, coral waters, tropical forests, with an estimated population of about 92 million people. the world's 12th most populous country, estimated that there are an additional 11 million overseas worldwide...
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    Happy Mother's Day

    "Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs... since the payment is pure love." - Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers out there.. specially to my Mom... Thanks :)
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    Im looking for a good php encoder/encrypter

    Ioncube is the best php encoder out there but i the price is much higher. :)
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    Offer small free things

    hmmm, sounds interesting, but the page is not anymore available.
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    my site was running smoothly before, until, i think, the server has been moved to a new location :(
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    Resource Limits memory_limit Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (32MB) 64M
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    I'm using wordpress. No modifications, just simply plugins from wordpress...
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    Tried this, but still not working. :(
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    I still receive the same error messages... By the way my server is Cossacks... Please. Help... :(
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    Anyone??? Please help... Need to resolve this badly... Thanks
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    What is your prefered programming language?

    For me, i chose PHP, Perl, Delphi and VB. :)
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    Fatal Error: xxxxxxxx bytes exhausted

    Hi Admins / Mods / Owners, Please help, i still received this kind of error on my blog site... Is there a way to fix this? Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 491520 bytes) in /wp-includes/class-simplepie.php on line 4184 More info...
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    I can't access my hosting.

    try to delete .htaccess or change your permission to 775 i think...
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    Video tutorial : content based advertising

    nice tutorial... simple but direct to the point...
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    just rename client.html to index.html