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    Email probleme

    Hi I have a php scrip: <?php $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; $message = $_POST['message']; $http_referrer = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" ); $invalid = ""; $empty =...
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    Cpanel and FTP

    The CPanel and FTP is not working for me. This is what get for FTP: And for cpanel, it gives me: HTTP 500 Internal Server Error Most likely causes: The website is under maintenance. The website has a programming error. Help plz?
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    Hi i am on adfree aboslut server, I tried sending an email via a contact form php script on my website, I didnt got it, but i get a message telling me it received. Curious I try sending a message with windows( to my email account on...
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    Domain Change

    Hi Thanks alot for these amazing free services. I would like to change my domain: Account username: Aravinthan Cpanel username: ara Server: Absolut(Ad-Free) DOmain: New domain: Thanks for your help!
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    Error loggin in

    Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Please post on our forums to seek support on this issue. I get thsi error while connecting to my account!
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    host for mysql

    Liek the title says, I need to know the host of mysql. My website is:
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    Error loggin in

    Hi, when i try to log in to this account, i get this problem: Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Please post on our forums to seek support on this issue.
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    Site not working

    Hi here is my site: For 2 days now it is not shwoign up. IT says Internet Explorer cant displa ythis page. And on the other hand, the FTP is not working also. It says retriving welcoem message and it stays there...
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    FTP problem

    Hi, I just been ablt to my cp and as soon as I got there I did a new FTP account and tried to connect it. But I get this error Response: 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ---------- Response: 220-You are user number 14 of 50 allowed. Response: 220-Local time is now 06:40. Server port...
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    Hi, I just registered my account and when I click to see my control panel I get this message: In order to use the Ad-Enhanced hosting account management panel, you must have your forum account linked to your hosting account. Please enter your cPanel username below, you will receive an E-mail...