Search results

  1. funindia

    Alert: Server Down

    Hello Admin/Moderators Is it possible to send email alerts by you to all mebers when your hosting service is down or under upgradation? Look, lots of members constantly post messages about server problem when there is just an upgrade process in on. Please try to consider. Regards...
  2. funindia

    How to unzip Zip files in server

    Hi Anyone have a solution to unpack a zip file (retaining directory structure intact) in the server space with help of commant prompt using FTP Client Software? Thanks in advance Abhilash
  3. funindia

    Ad phpBB2plus in Fantastico

    Hi Admin! Can you include phpBB2 plus 1.52 version in Fantastico. Most of the people who want to put forum in their site constantly facing problem with puting adds in phpBB. It has very good banner management system, will definately reduce complexities to adding banners. Site...
  4. funindia

    Place your site's link in my site

    Hello Members! I decided to put a link section in my site, where other x10hosting member's sites will be listed. If you are interested to put your sites link in my site then just post your details e.g., site title, url and little description here or otherwise email me at...
  5. funindia

    How to create Download site

    Anyone has any CMS etc to create download only site like or etc.
  6. funindia

    How to put banner adds on BB/Forums

    Any one have any idea to put x10hosting adds on phpBB or SMF (forum systems) ?
  7. funindia

    Can't see "Awstats" Stats

    Hello Admin! I'm unable to view "Awstats" stats in cPanel, getting follwing error: Error: LogFile parameter is not defined in config/domain file Setup ('/home/funindia/tmp/awstats/' file, web server or permissions) may be wrong. Check config file...
  8. funindia

    Please reset my Password

    Hi! I lost my cPanel password and unable to reset, kindly reset my password. My Subdomain : Package: x10advanced I'll be very obelidged. Regards Abhilash
  9. funindia

    File Transloading

    Hi! Is there any Sript or Utility to upload files in my space directly giving the URL? I mean to say, directly uploading from any other web server, without downloading files to local drive.
  10. funindia

    Where is Fantastico?

    Hello Sir(s)! After fixing the problem by your server admin I'm able to enter cPanel. But I'm unable to find Fantastico link inside main interface. (I have x10Advanced hosting package). Almost all free sripts are missing from Scripts Library. Kindly help me please.... Regards Abhilash
  11. funindia Scrip Problem

    Hello Frineds! I'm using's php-scripts for my website It is indeed is very good utility to manage site, also have lost of features which I want but page loads very slow. Have you any other scripts for this purpose (eg. forum, downloads...
  12. funindia

    Adding Ads in Pages

    Hello! First of all your service superb, it is better than most of paid hosting services. I'm using PHP sripts for my site. Due to poor knowledge in PHP, I'm unable to add you Banner into my header file. Always getting error. So I added x10advance's banner in header through...