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    Internal Server Error on Lotus

    I put a ticket too
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    internal server error

    Hi. I have the same problem on my site Even I can access to my cpanel.
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    GoDaddy $1.19 Domains

    Yes they accept PayPal
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    10 Beta Testers Needed

    I will do it
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    Mail server is not receiving or sending

    Well now is working again. I dont know what happend. Even when i was sending a mail to my email hosting account, I received this message. This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY. YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE. Delivery to the...
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    Mail server is not receiving or sending

    Hi is any one with the same trouble that I have. I am in lotus server. When I try to send a message I receive this message. Message not sent. Server replied: Transaction failed 554 <ASSP.nospam> Connection aborted, unable to forward message Even I cant receive messages to my account since...
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    I cant acces to my account

    Hi. I am not able to login to my account in cpanel. I reseted the username but I never receive the code. My user name is stsights. Thanks. Regards.
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    URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration

    HI! Yesterday I have the Apache OS page but know its all normal but some php script I am not able to execute them and I have the following error. Warning: DOMDocument::load() [domdocument.load]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration I have the Intermediate PHP Configuration...
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    My page is not loading

    Hi my page is not loading like 12 hrs ago. My cpanel user name is stsights Could you help me plase?? Thanks a lot!
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    Function imap_open its not responding

    Could I use the port 995?? Or what ports I am able to use to chech my email with imap funcion of php?
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    Imap funcion post help

    Thank you a lot
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    Imap funcion post help

    One week ago I post with a problem that Imap function is not working but my post were moved to level two support but I still have the same problem and no one has answered with a exeption of Crhistopher that told me that the firewall may be is blocking the ports. Could any one help me please...
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    Function imap_open its not responding

    Is any one could help me with that firewall??
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    Function imap_open its not responding

    HI. I use all the time the function imap_open in my php script but since like one week my script doest load any more. I connect to my gmail account to extract my emails and I use the following code. $mbox = imap_open ("{}INBOX", $mail , $password); But...
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    servidor lotus¿?

    Mi pagina no funciona igual, ojala que algun administrador pueda reiniciar el servidor lotus!!
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    I Still waiting: Upgrade pending

    HI!. I have like two weeks waiting for the Upgrade to version 2. The upgrade was accepted but I still waiting because in the principal page says Upgrade pending. SOme function works like mail, but some times dont, I think its because the upgrade pending. Could you help me please.? Cpanel user...
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    Why my account was suspended??

    My page its now fine. Thanks a lot.
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    Why my account was suspended??

    Hi. I did not used in one day 10GB even in my Cpanel appears 0 of 10GB used, the bandwith trouble was for the last month but now because this is a new month I dont understand why my page stills with that message. Please Help
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    Why my account was suspended??

    Hi. Today my account was not reseted the bandwith, in the cpanel the bandwith was reseted successfully but my page like one hour ago the Bandwith exeded message still appears. But now when I access to my page is suspended with no reason. Please Help!!! Thanks
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    Bandwidth Limit Exceeded was not reseted!!

    HI. In my cpanel my bandwidth was reseted because today is a new day of a new month but in my page stills appearing the Bandwidth Limit Exceeded. Could you help me please Thanks. cpanel user: stsights