Search results

  1. X

    Count to 1 Million

    2283 never ending stories
  2. X

    Vending Machine (Game)

    you get a pack of 52 playing cards. i insert a pink frog.
  3. X

    game: kill the above user

    while alexandgruntz is walking on a street suddenly an airplaneaccidentally crashed into him... :biggrin:
  4. X

    game: kill the above user

    while typing this, kalanac died of laughing :hahano:
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    The Ctrl+V game
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    suspended because of cron

    i'm just trying the one with the name of cron on the cpanel and i got suspended reason code : 2B595D445E69 :((
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    The Ctrl+V game

  8. X

    what is your favourite online game?

    ...nothing still beats RAGNAROK ONLINE... ...ayt people..? /no1 :D
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    Huge List Of Free MMO Games

    Dofus /no1 =D
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    Who Here Grabbed Windows 7?

    ...hihi it's gui is great.., and much faster than vista... :D
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    Which is the best GNU/Linux Distro? I think is Debian

    ...i like ubuntu.., hehe if someone's hard disk becomes corrupted i just plug my ubuntu live usb and backup files...
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    Ant on windows?

    ...ei paps.., what is that "ANT"..?
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    What is your favorite type of Music?

    ...hihi any music will do for me... :D
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    X10 Chess tournament will this work people..?
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    MyBrute clan!

    ...hehe i joined the fun... ::D
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    Can your hardware run that game?

    ...wiw thanks for the link... \:D/ Edit: it doesn't run on google chrome..? :(
  17. X

    Vending Machine (Game)

    ...whahahaa you get a skateboard wheel... ...i insert a nutcracker...
  18. X

    Some nice free templates (my pick)

    hehe blog templates thanks :D
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    Checkout my new project

    ...hmm the site layout is broken in google chrome... XD
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    x10Hosting Card

    nc one... /no1 hehe i think it would be nicer if the text are not the same color