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  1. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Text speech is annoying and rude

    Gamers Do It SO much
  2. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    simple SHOUTcast Server Setup

    Great! I dont see any SHOUTcast in winamp after i install it :-(
  3. Jacob Kid Mania Creator


    Virus Scan: Done (1st thing I tried) Restart exlplorer.exe: It wont let me Restart: I did like 10
  4. Jacob Kid Mania Creator


    Thanks, but it didnt work
  5. Jacob Kid Mania Creator


    On my Windows XP, I cant see the bar at the bottom of the screen. It is not on auto-hide. explorer.exe is running, just the bar isant showing. Any Ideas on how to fix this?
  6. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Ez Server Stats

    I have made it easy to do sig stats. All you have to do is this:<URL To Check>. With Image BBCode You Can Use This In A Sig, Like Mine
  7. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Chaos Thread

    Whell, everyone post something random
  8. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    You take the hill, then someone has to take it over and explain how they stole it from you
  9. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    PHP Problem

    I get an error when using IRCG commands. Can someone tell me the path to your library of extentions that includes IRCG support?
  10. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    IR Problem. I Am Getting Mad

    It says [09:07] ->> Jacob was killed by OperServ ( :(You are banned from this network)
  11. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    IRC Problem

    The IRC says *** Error: Closing Link: [**.**.***.***] (Too many unknown connections from your IP) What did I kill Now It Says: [07:19] ->> *** Error: Closing Link: IceGuest_75[cpe-66-75-141-144.san.res.r] (Killed (OperServ (Session limit exceeded))) Right when I log...
  12. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Hidden Files In FTP

    When I logon to FTP I think that all files/folders that contain account data should be hidden. That way for new members they dont remove them.
  13. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    PHP In A PNG
  14. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    PHP In A PNG

    How can I make a .PNG image obey PHP code
  15. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Funny Pictures

    Post a funny picture of something here. And, you no not need to waste bandwidth, just attach the picture (Scrool Down And Click Attach)
  16. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    How To Use Your x10 Account

    This Tutorial Will Teach You How To use cPanel, FTP, etc. Note: means the domain you own e.g. If you have a subdomain e.g., that will still be reffered to as cPanel: cPanel can be found at
  17. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Scripting Help (PHP)

    Thanks everyone that helped me with that. Does anyone know of a script that will include the first line of text in a file? Here is a example. file.txt contains: Line 1: Test Line 2: Test2 Then index.php Shows: Test
  18. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    IRC Chat Help

    I read the post, about irc chat I just clicked the connect button, and it said i was banned. Help!
  19. Jacob Kid Mania Creator

    Virus? From x10?!

    I have been seeing adds like this (attched screenshot) all over. Look at chris73's sig. Is this virts thing from x10?
  20. Jacob Kid Mania Creator


    Does anyone use iFrames? They seem to be a hacker's dream.