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  1. vekou

    W3C validator

    What's the use of the standards if you're not going to follow them (*cough* Microsoft *cough*). Although most of the time*, websites look similar on "MAJOR" browsers, so there would be no problem for the users. But what about the not-so-popular browsers or even search engine crawlers, they...
  2. vekou

    Reason to leave x10 Hosting?

    Alright, you can write here reasons that can make you leave x10 Hosting. I'm not telling you to leave and switch to another web host, and I'm not switching either, I love x10. I'm just curious why would anyone leave x10 for another webhost.
  3. vekou

    I Fall in Love with a French

    ^i have to agree with your major points, but i don't think i have to agree with the way to execute it. anyway, if you have lots of money, then go to france, if it doesn't work out, go and buy all of us souvenirs! is this turning out to be like another densha otoko? ^___~
  4. vekou


    i found this thread a while ago but it was closed immediately so i couldn't reply. It is true that is free, but only for a limited time! domains are free for 1 year, after that, you would have to pay them. if you want, you can check their website. My domain will expire on...
  5. vekou

    MAC vs Windows vs Linux For Students

    well, if you really have the money, install of them, providing that your hardware meets all of the 3 OS's requirements. then eventually, you will notice the OS that you frequently use will be the one that is best for you.
  6. vekou

    Which IDE do you use?

    well, you specifically said WEB development. so i'm using WYSIWYG IDE, Dreamweaver to be exact. but i use eclipse sometimes when i write code for AJAX using Google Web Toolkit.
  7. vekou

    What are Validations

    well, it's recommended but not required, since all browsers don't show you if the webpage you're viewing has markup errors. well, firefox is really good (although it hasn't passed Acid3 test yet), it's standards compliant. in terms of browsers, you'll have no problem displaying webpages...
  8. vekou

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    windows 7 is not included in the list since this was created before windows7 beta has begun. can someone update the poll?
  9. vekou

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    personally, i use avira. although for technophohics, it may look a bit hard to configure.
  10. vekou

    Corey is in the NEWS!!!

    yay! on a side note: hopefully the small business owners didn't sign up while x10 is having server transfers =..=
  11. vekou

    Corny Pick up lines

    If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'll put U and I together.
  12. vekou

    What are Validations

    it depends on what you are validating. but i'm guessing that you want to validate your site for markup validity. validation checks if your markup adheres to the standards of your specified document type (ie. HTML 4.01, XHTML Strict, etc..). based on experience, validation really helps if you...
  13. vekou

    Moore's Law

    ^yeah got your point. although multi-cores help a lot on multithreading support, assuming that the application supports multiple cores. i'm thinking engineers are now focusing on handheld devices rather than the big and bulky desktop ones.
  14. vekou

    What do you think of WolframAlpha?

    i also noticed that their data sets are still relatively small. although inputting complex mathematical equations really is their game.
  15. vekou

    why do we believe in a religion?

    ^ got your point.. besides, religion dates back thousands of years ago, so it's like a part of everybody's life. it's not like we can change thousands of years of lifestyle in just a day.
  16. vekou

    Corny Pick up lines

    Hi, if we were to play any game, I wouldn't choose Hide and Seek, because a girl like you is impossible to find.
  17. vekou

    What do you think of WolframAlpha?

    What do you think of the new answer engine Wolfram|Alpha?
  18. vekou

    Moore's Law

    yup, as i was saying before, processors is almost at their speed limits. that's why there exist cpus with 2 intel atom processors inside.
  19. vekou

    Battle of the Browsers

    after about 3/4 of a year of using chrome, i can say that i'm accustomed to it by now. at first glance it will look like a weird browser with less buttons. but once i gotten used to it, it's hard to get back.
  20. vekou

    why do we believe in a religion?

    i remembered my astronomy professor said before that religion is the way for mankind to explain the unknown. seems logical and acceptable for me, since early times, if people cannot explain a certain phenomenon, they usually call it a miracle and thus relates to religion. it's that simple, if...