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  1. Jessica.C

    Prime Membership question

    I knew it! thank you :)
  2. Jessica.C

    Prime Membership question

    $4.95 USD - 12 Months. I just want to make this clear, so excuse the stupid question. is it a one-time payment of $4.95, like you pay that much and you're set for 12 months, OR is it $4.95/mo for 12 months?
  3. Jessica.C

    Disk Space Usage too low

    recently? no. I have deleted files before, but they don't drop the usage significantly ... It was at over 1100 MB though for a long time. it was even over 2000 MB for a while (I have A LOT of files from installing a lot of modifications) it could be the temp files. I'll take a look...
  4. Jessica.C

    Disk Space Usage too low

    It's been like this for a while now... in my cPanel it says my Disk Space Usage is 36.15 / ∞ MB ... which isn't right. how could it be that little space? it's supposed to be a little over 1100 MB last time I remember ... any reason why it's like this? it was like this a little before the...
  5. Jessica.C

    Response to feedback

    I'm still getting them :( Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 25165824) (tried to allocate 1966080 bytes) in /home/********/public_html/phpBB3/cache/tpl_prosilver_viewtopic_body.html.php on line 322
  6. Jessica.C

    Response to feedback

    yay :) please tell us when you have this resolved
  7. Jessica.C

    about Starka ??

    I can login to cPanel fine BUT I am also getting out of memory errors on parts of my sites
  8. Jessica.C

    Response to feedback

    thank you Corey :)
  9. Jessica.C

    Out of memory error - Problem of the day :P

    I've opened one on the first day, it still hasn't been answered :(
  10. Jessica.C

    php.ini memory limit request

    when are they going to set it back to 64M? :/ it's been two days...
  11. Jessica.C

    Great Free Hosting Links NOT like x10

    what the hell. I am not gay. just because I'm for LGBT rights doesn't mean I am x10 may be having problems, but it isn't like some free hosts I've come across - they work for a month then they die out.
  12. Jessica.C

    Out of memory error - Problem of the day :P

    my site isn't Wordpress so I don't know why I'm getting it...probably has something to do with using a lot of resources, don't know. get it fixed please already!!!! :(
  13. Jessica.C

    Out of memory error - Problem of the day :P

    what's weird is that in my subdomain of my site, I don't get any of the memory errors. I've already lost my patience. I hope they fix the problems after they finish the maintenance :/
  14. Jessica.C

    You need to do better than this, x10

    to be honest I am starting to agree. I like x10 a lot but I'm really started to get frustrated.
  15. Jessica.C

    What scares you the most?

    voted Crazy murderer/axeman/sniper/military etc :P
  16. Jessica.C

    Out of memory error - Problem of the day :P

    is this even being worked on?
  17. Jessica.C

    Out of memory error - Problem of the day :P

    did they already up it? I'm still getting the error :(
  18. Jessica.C

    Getting Out of Memory Error for my Wordpress installation

    pretty sure it's a hosting error, I'm getting it too, so I'm hoping they would fix it soon :/
  19. Jessica.C

    quote you made: you're a gay athiest what do you know. Just because I'm for LGBT rights...

    quote you made: you're a gay athiest what do you know. Just because I'm for LGBT rights doesn't mean I am gay. seriously -_- I am atheist, but I'm perfectly straight.
  20. Jessica.C

    Out of memory error - Problem of the day :P

    same problem here, hope they fix it soon :/ Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 24903680) (tried to allocate 1966080 bytes) in /home/jesschen/public_html/phpBB3/cache/tpl_prosilver_viewtopic_body.html.php on line 322