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  1. C

    heh - I'm making a new website now - Its got a softer feel to it, i used it with , amazing website... I'll upload in a few days
  2. C

    Review my site!

    navigation buttons are waaay to big - and the rounded corners are a little exagerrated. I would recommend having a Logo or your websites name in a separate container to make it a bit more profressional, not too keen on the "cloudy" background - try to use a simple and effective bold colour like...
  3. C

    Video compression

    ok thanks :)
  4. C

    Rounded Corners

    WOW!! Thats genius! I have been looking everywhere how to get rounded corners but i never new - i never found this website on google
  5. C


    Its ok - just need to center it, use light colours and have the content with a background of itself. Can i ask you something? I swear it but when i was with Trap17 i seriously swear on my life i saw this on there.... Edit: Nevermind - i was on this forum when i was with Trap17 but i wasnt...
  6. C

    [Game] In my back garden

    In my back garden there is a weed, a server, a fallen star, my mate Ryan, a top secret spy station, a goat named Billy, a lawn mower and a bed of roses, a nest of killer bees, poison and 3947 rats and a partridge in a pear tree, and a hide out for Serial Killers, a statue, a shovel, a rake, a...
  7. C

    FireFox 3 Annoying feature..

    uninstall it and all of the addons, then reinstall it - should help. I dont ever use firefox.. Its not my type - i use Opera, it uses its own buttons, mouse, background, and combos!
  8. C

    How NOT to use powerpoint Don McMillan shows you how to NOT use PowerPoint. Soo funny
  9. C

    What does this mean?

    Ah ok, thanks a lot. I just had the as my favourites - ill just change it
  10. C

    Video compression

    anyone??? Its been a whole day...
  11. C

    What do YOU know about Estonia?

    Oh my god, you people need to get out more - my dad works there 6 months a year as a machinist - the capital is called Tallinn and the average summer temperature is 15C and average winter temperature is -10C. They wait until green man lights up to cross the road even if the road is empty. The...
  12. C

    What does this mean?

    the forums Edit: ...
  13. C

    Congratuations Corey!

    happy bday for yesterday! :)
  14. C

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get x10milk. I insert Google
  15. C

    [game} Rename the person above you

    smith6612 -> granny smith
  16. C

    Video compression

    Not sure if it was the right place or not... But - I got a Sony Handycam and i save the videos to my computer even to the lowest quality and the size is still 350-400mb/m. Ive been googling for hours and i couldnt find a decent video compressor! Does anyone know any FREEWARE video...
  17. C

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    Did you know that 30% of the UK is covered with forest. The rest is Farmland and urban areas... I want to live in devon - but the houses are like £200k+ :o.
  18. C

    Random numbers in PHP

    Random advertisement, Those "random joke of the day" things use it. Anything that you want to be random
  19. C

    What does this mean?

    "In order to accept POST request originating from this domain, the admin must add this domain to the whitelist." It says it when ever i log in - and it has been doing it since i first joined about 3 months ago. Any help please!
  20. C

    What type of speaker you have?

    2 rubbish Dell speakers that i got with a Dimension 4400 (5 years ago)