Search results

  1. krofunk

    The Ctrl+V game

    style="background:url(../images/curved_edge_yellow.png); background-position:top" I do have to point out though I had to press cmd + V as I am on a Mac...have I broken the rules? :P lol
  2. krofunk

    CSS Background Image

    you could try using a complete path so rather than #content-middle { padding: 0 25px 25px; background: url(../images/wallpaper.jpg) ; } you could use #content-middle { padding: 0 25px 25px; background: url( ; } your code assumes that the...
  3. krofunk

    Database help!

    despite the fact that chatbox scripts are against TOS I will give you some info...I am assuming this chatbox is php based? if so you should modify a config.php located in the scripts directory (the script its self should contain intructions) you will first however need to actually create a...
  4. krofunk

    [New] Review my website

    good and clean design, the only thing I would look at is balancing your content - everything seems to be on the left hand side of the page. good job!
  5. krofunk

    problems with hosting

    works for me too...
  6. krofunk

    review my new section

    stoli seems to having issues with mysql, thank you for your seems the banner was a bad move, when everything is working again I will be changing it. I (should) be ok as my services are aimed toward people on the Isle of Wight, UK
  7. krofunk

    review my new section

    I have recently completed the design for my new section, -> clicky <- It is to host web templates I have made and sell computers I have built/provide support for computers I have sold. Let me know what you think - no content yet just the design.
  8. krofunk

    500 internal server error

    The servers here at x10 and many other web hosts run Linux or other unix type OS and so they are unable to run websites built on/with This is because the language was developed by Microsoft and the greedy giant that it is decided that it should only run on their own platform (windows...
  9. krofunk

    Pissed off by x10hosting

    At the end of the day, this service is free...I am more than happy with x10 and feel they give me what I asked for. If downtime/slow speeds annoy you then buy your hosting. simple as.
  10. krofunk

    Acer Aspire One D250 LCD Problems Please Help

    I think the only thing you can do is check the conections between the LCD and the mother board. I am afraid I cannot think of any other cause.
  11. krofunk

    Power Interruptions

    one way to verify if this problem is down to hardware or windows is to boot your computer from a live cd, if you can successfully boot from the live cd and keep the pc running for an amount of time then you know the problem is with windows (most likely one of the causes mentioned above) however...
  12. krofunk

    Apple Iphone vs Blackberry vs HTC?!

    I would avoid windows mobile for its short life span, and even then you may find support for it is poor as some manufacturers customise the OS for their example of this is my samsung i300, on paper (spec) it can run os v5 however when I upgraded I lost the use of the internal...
  13. krofunk

    Adobe CS5 -- anyone got any comments?

    cs5 as a whole or dreamweaver? (guessing that as we are in the web design section.)
  14. krofunk

    css alignment problems :(

    Thanks for moving the thread *admits reading fail* and thank you misson for your reply, I will give it a go asap. unfortunately setting the background in the html element was unsucessful, however after searching through I found the following Setting the attachment as fixed...
  15. krofunk

    Xbox360 MW2 Map Pack Help(File Not Recognised In Game but Is on Dashbord)

    How big is the download? would you (easily) be able to download it again...sometimes things just don't make contact. I suffered a problem like this when I was trying to download the Halo Reach beta, 2nd time lucky :)
  16. krofunk

    Does my website ok?

    it does breach TOS but other than that I would say the effects are just annoying/jerky and apart from anything else it all seems a bit pointless?
  17. krofunk

    css alignment problems :(

    hello all, I am in the process of remaking my site however I have hit a bump with the css. I want a gradient background that is aligned to the bottom of the page, body { background-color: #003366; background-position: bottom; background-image: url(images/bg.png); background-repeat...
  18. krofunk

    Guess Who Posts Next

    i say Smith6612, havent seen him in a while.
  19. krofunk


    Hi :biggrin:
  20. krofunk

    My Website

    I get a 404 error on all pages excluding the home page.