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  1. E

    Key error

    Please help right away! In PHP I am using MySQL and fetching the rows from a MySQL database. When I try to write this to the page, it writes "key error" and stops writing the rest of the page. Code where it seems to fail: print "<tr><td style=\"background: url('crumpled".rand(1, 5).".jpg')...
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    What's your favorite (free) FTP Client?

    Filezilla is great, but when it fails, I use x10hosting's cPanel's built-in file manager.
  3. E

    what mySQL?

    A SQL database is a database for information. It is something that banks use, for example, so that they can keep information stored on the internet and have it accessible from anywhere, in the case of banks, to keep track of who has what amount of money. MySQL is just one form of a SQL database...
  4. E

    Fit images into specified space

    Hey there x10hosting! I need your help with HTML, CSS, and Javascript if nessecary. I am going to have a box, for example purposes, let's say it is 400x400px. Maybe a <div> tag set to that size for example. What I need to do is be able to fit any number of images, maintaining aspect ratio, to...
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    I want to learn PHP

    PHP is really kind of like a whole other version of HTML with the same stuff, but also has some more loaded into it.. So i would go to because they have a great tutorial for HTML. My friend learned it that way and you can trust them to be up to date. You must know HTML before...
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    Javascript Highscore Table

    The quote tags were just to make it look nice. Thanks for the code tips. Man that hurts to make that whole getscores function on my own just to find out there is a way to already do it! I made that in Notepad! I only chose document.write because it's the only function I know that can write...
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    Maximum File Size Upload

    I don't believe x10hosting allows for file storage
  8. E

    Problem with php. Connecting to a database. Easy fix?

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't print() and all the text inside be on one line with \n for any newlines?
  9. E

    Javascript Highscore Table

    I couldn't find a script anywhere on the internet for a highscore table and it's tough to build, but here it is! PART 1
  10. E

    Please help! Cannot send mail!

    Thanks very much for the reply (and during the Holidays too)!! Ok, here it is after being tweaked and tweaked again (blocked out email and password), I'm using PHPMailer: <?php require_once("phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php"); $error = null; function smtpmailer($to, $subject, $message...
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    Please help! Cannot send mail!

    Please give me an actual human message? I just want to know what's going on.
  12. E

    I need help with java script codeing

    Hi james70! There are a few ways to pass the information to the other page, I am assuming that's what you want. First, we want to get what's inside that <div>. I would do this by giving the <div> an ID: <div id="texttoget" class="entry"> My Text... </div> And with Javascript, get the text inside...
  13. E

    Please help! Cannot send mail!

    Hello guys! (Just going to confirm that there was absolutely nothing about this on, because by the time I had the error, all the issues on the status website were marked "Completed") OK, so I am sending mail with PHP from my site. I know the code is working because it was...
  14. E

    innerHTML mixes up HTML Attributes

    Thanks for helping me out on this one! Couldn't find that information anywhere... What I was going to do was have a container and switch what is in it with something else, based on what's currently inside. But I fixed that with a variable for the meantime. I guess innerHTML can't be trusted to...
  15. E

    innerHTML mixes up HTML Attributes

    I have never had this problem with innerHTML before, yet here it is! I am trying to solve a problem with innerHTML which seems to appear only in Firefox 9.0. The HTML inside a span is: <span id="appsgoherespan"> Regular embedded apps:<br> <iframe src="articleappsp1.php" id="frame1" width="640"...
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    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Pilotwings Resort
  17. E

    Rate the Siggy Above You

    @Skizzerz I really wanted to rate that one because it's copying off of Xavier! LOL Still pretty good looking though give it 8/10 @ace_case You just gave it away, and it has a bit of unreadable coloured text. But it had me thinking for a while... so 7/10 How do I get one of these "Siggy"s?
  18. E

    PHPMailer help...again

    Please help! Ok, so here's what happened now. Decided to use DNS with, so I changed my address to a .tk address. I decided to use the far safer SSL email login. But it still gives me an error, different this time. Now it gives me error 535. What's going on with email? Same code, different...
  19. E

    Error Code DEADBEEF?

    I checked the status, but I wasn't sure if it was related. Thanks for your reply.