Search results

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    new webdesign

    what about this design? don't know font yet for menu and content if you got some ideas pls tell me :p rate & comment it pls *UPDATED* *OLD* *OLD*...
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    onMouse php event question

    i got a problem i want to create a counter how many times something is downloaded(link clicked) my code onMouse="php file" but how can I let it do the action that is in the php file?
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    my website what do you think it's not finished like you can see :p but i'm working on it
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    new sig

    what about this one?
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    Some new sigs

    pls comment those sigs
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    new webdesign

    what do you think of this design? only look at banner, menu & content
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    new sig, what do you think

    my new sig :? what do you think about it V1: V2(curves): V3: V4:
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    new webdesign

    what do you think of this website, i think it's nice for my skills view it with IE, firefox messes css style up, have to add a script
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    new webdesign

    what do you think of this webdesign? i don't think it's that bad
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    nightscream gallery

    ok i think i'm going to start a gallery :) newest I made this one for a friend v1: v2: others: v1: v2:
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    new sig pls rate it

    can someone pls rate this sig i don't know if it's any good
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    vbulletin upgrade?

    is it possible to upgrade a vbulletin board? if it is, can someone tell me how because i don't want to purchase it, i installed it trough cpanel but it's a low version
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    ad change question

    i got advanced hosting and i have a question about the ad i have to add a text link to it but am i allowed to do a litte change, look for yourself, it's in the menu if it's not allowed i'll change it, don't you guys have a banner for advanced hosting because then...
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    Visual Basic checkbox help

    i need some help with visual basic, i'm still learning but it's with 2 checkbox if one is selected it will do that function if the other is selected it will do another function but if none selected it will do nothing, but i need to know how i can let my program see when it's checked i hope you...
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    hi everyone i'm nightscream my real name is Ward Peeters, i live in belgium I'm 14 years old getting 15 this year. My hobby's are football(soccer) i can code html, php and learning vb and javascript i think that's it
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    coding scan program?

    hello i'm searching for a program that search into codes and look for errors and tell on what line they are and such codes i mean php, c++, vb, ... like this should be a variable money then it will say that on line 1 there is an error so you know where your coding error is that you don't have to...
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    Web template

    web template i made not coded yet but wanna know what you guys think about it if it's any good or not
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    my sig gallery

    i didn't saw a graphic topic but i wanna know what you guys think of my graphics pls give me your oppinion bad and/or good ones thx in advance --- nightscream ---