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  1. whizynix02

    need help with mail()

    i don't know if this going to work, i've change "hhhh" to 'hhhh '
  2. whizynix02

    need help with mail()

    :werd: hmmm maybe its on the code itself... maybe there is an unnoticed spot there.. it's seems correct but what went wrong...
  3. whizynix02

    need help with mail()

    did you look at your spam folder... ? yahoo sometimes treat email from email forms as spam... hmmm that's my problem on my form... it seems like i'm not receiving it but it's all in my spam folder... hope this help you...
  4. whizynix02

    Hi I'm osama bin ladin

    hhmmm welcome to x10... :)
  5. whizynix02

    Flipping Card effect help

    can i have a link or sample?
  6. whizynix02

    Flipping Card effect help

    hello.. i need some help for my coding.. i need a flipping card effect like, when a user click on my card it will show its back content and vise verse.. eg. like in postcards... the front shows the photo then when clicked it shows the content of the back... anyone?? please help.. thanks...
  7. whizynix02

    Scroll bar help (PHP)

    nice :biggrin: .. thanks for the help.. you a nice site too.. :biggthump -------- still open for other sugestions... :happysad:
  8. whizynix02

    Scroll bar help (PHP)

    thanks ;).... i'm still looking for a modified like scroll bars...
  9. whizynix02

    20 credits to register

    hello, i've just register.. ;)
  10. whizynix02

    Scroll bar help (PHP)

    hello.. i'm makiing a scroll bar using php script.. i put this codes on my style.css and on my homepage.php Q: how can i make the look of the scroll bar different... ??:dunno: e.g. : like 2 arrows on the bottom then when i put the mouse pointer on the arrow, it will automatically go up or...
  11. whizynix02

    Backups and You

    This is great... files would be safer... hmmm i wonder how i can retrieve my files if ever it is lost...:dunno:
  12. whizynix02

    PHP Contact form prob.

    hmm my page has no database... it is only a form.. when the user clicks Send.. the content of the textarea will be sent.. By the way, thank you xav0989 for the advise... deeply appreciated.. ;)
  13. whizynix02

    about x10rewards -- domain

    yeah...can't find a link that explains the Quantity.. thank you zen-r...
  14. whizynix02

    great site took a bit to figure out at 1st

    you can use this format to enter on your cpanel: http://www.(username) - i think you can't upload files from forums... it's all in the cpanel.. then on uploading, go to the file manager>web root>upload .... but if you want an easy upload, you must get an FTP uploader...
  15. whizynix02

    Hello World!

    #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { cout << "Hello World!" << endl; cout << "Welcome to C++ Programming" << endl; }
  16. whizynix02

    Hello from me

    welcome... to x10... i'm a little bit new also here... and did you try the site builder of x10... it's great.. :naughty:
  17. whizynix02

    about x10rewards -- domain

    :biggrin: thanks sir Twinkie... now i am enlighten.. i have a long way to get a domain with my credits.. hehe :happysad: Your close to 10000.. i think you can get that credit soon..
  18. whizynix02

    about x10rewards -- domain

    hello... i am interested with the domain part... how can i gain that.. • is $10000 == to 10000 credits? • Quantity = 10 : what do this mean... do i have 10 points? or the quantity must be equal to the price(in credits). thanks in advance to those who will reply...:biggrin:
  19. whizynix02

    20 credits to register

    nice offer i will register too...
  20. whizynix02

    Integrate HTML in flash

    i found this link in search for some answer to that.. hope this help