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  1. dpilmore

    Can I please have an ad-enhanced account

    your welcome
  2. dpilmore

    Can I please have an ad-enhanced account

    i wouldnt call it modifing, you are just making it clickable BUT i would ask for help off an admin. click the IRC tab at the top, corey may be online to help mate
  3. dpilmore

    Can I please have an ad-enhanced account

    the [url] or the [hyperlink=][/link] something like that anyway mate, its one of those
  4. dpilmore

    Can I please have an ad-enhanced account

    you have to use hyper link
  5. dpilmore

    My host is suspended plz help me

    if you are found to be in breach of the ToS then there is no way that admin will unsuspend you. sorry to be the bearer of bad news mate
  6. dpilmore

    Can I please have an ad-enhanced account

    you get the ad code from x10 then make sure the ad is displayed on all your site pages then come back and tell admin that it has been done
  7. dpilmore

    cant connect

    i have found the reason mate. click the link and read on:
  8. dpilmore

    httpd (unix) is down on my starka account

    yeah ive got the same. in a news thread chopin starka and another are being moved. i will find the thread for you mate and post the link on here. here is the link:
  9. dpilmore

    cant connect

    hi im on chopin and i cant access my website. is there a problem as the service status shows everything as up.
  10. dpilmore

    my site

    yes i am on chopin and its still slow but it works. thank you all for replying
  11. dpilmore


    you need to be a bit more specific than that, if you go onto account panel and click view suspension report you get more details. and sometimes you can un suspend yourself depending on the reason why you were suspended in the first place.
  12. dpilmore

    Chopin down?

    are you by any chance getting mysql error? like this one: CRITICAL_ERROR: Line : generic, class2.php Error reported as: [6]: Unable to form a valid connection to mySQL.
  13. dpilmore

    my site

    can anyone connect to my website?. i cannot connect to it at all.
  14. dpilmore

    Are custom 404 allowed?

    i am sure i have seen something for that in the cpanel.
  15. dpilmore


    i payed for double space and bandwith twice today but they have been applied to my account yet. can someone please apply these for me?
  16. dpilmore


    hi i just want to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!
  17. dpilmore

    First attempt

    i totally agree with the post above. the theme really needs livening up, add some colour and maybe some decals but i do have to admit its not too bad for a first try.
  18. dpilmore

    Open an account over 24 hours but still can not do anything

    you may have your domain but there might not be an account created within that domain yet. sorry i cant be any help, thats the only reason i can think of. You just have to wait for a member of staff.
  19. dpilmore

    AJAX: mysql returning empty, despite there being records.

    change it from localhost to this: mysql-<yourserver> that is the mysql server address <yoursever>= well mine is chopin but put yours there another thing mate, your link goes straight to your website admin bit.
  20. dpilmore

    MYSQL Database

    remove your username and password!!!!!!! if needed a member of staff will ask for it.