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  1. garikr

    crossbrowser clusterfk

    I was messing around with JavaSript's .scrollTop property. document.documentElement.scrollTop works in Opera and FF but doesn't in Chrome. document.body.scrollTop works in Chrome but not in FF and Opera. Ok, not a biggie, a little fork in a script would not hurt. navigator.appName yields "Opera"...
  2. garikr


    A couple of days ago the guy was asking of how to link to a different page. He's apparently a beginner. Give him a break, I don't think he even knows what validating is. We all had to start somewhere.
  3. garikr

    set up a nine part background

    Find the style for the body body{ background-color:#434142; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100%; min-width:640px; min-height:480px; } and erase the line height:100% Basically that line sets the hight of the body to 100% of the hight of the screen...
  4. garikr

    Tutorials Website

    Nice site. The one thing for me though, is that the actual tutorial text uses a little less than 50% of the screen's width ( my laptop is about 5 years old ). Since you are going to present a lot of information, I would suggest utilizing more of the viewing area. Cheers :)
  5. garikr

    review me site

    I like it :biggthump The theme works great for an FPS site. Great fixed brackets on the sides. The site resizes gracefully( don't see that 50% of the time ). I like it a lot :)
  6. garikr

    Review My Portfolio

    Better than anything I've done :). I'd give it 7/10 though. The navigation circles on the bottom of the image slider get on top of the text of the 1st, 2nd and 3d slides, decreasing page's width by about 25% starts to through layout out of wak. Better than mine though :)
  7. garikr

    What will happen to my site name?

    I am currently required to log on to forum every 2 weeks to keep my site up, in a couple of months I might not have a regular access to the internet. my site name's, how long can I go without logging on before my name is taken? Can I reserve it? Thank you.
  8. garikr

    How do i add a page

    ok, so let's say your main page is called index.html. You make a new page called "affiliate.html", you upload it to the same derectory as you index.html. Then the address of your new page is So in your main page you put a link <a...
  9. garikr

    Firefox users: Do you like the new Tab behavior in v 3.6?

    To: alexandgruntz, Large monitor does not necessarily mean larger resolution. Plus most of the monitors are widescreen now, so adding more useless junk to the top, does not help a bit. That's why Chrome and IE rulezzzz. Plus Opera got some issues with resizing, and it looks goofy, and it's name...
  10. garikr

    Is this possible?

    Sorry man, I didn't mean to spook you or anything, I'm sure if u'll put the proper reference you'll be fine. Most of us rip an occasional song or a movie of a net, just don't want you to pay a half a million for it... like some ppl on the news :) that's all. Did you figure out? It worked fine on...
  11. garikr

    Firefox users: Do you like the new Tab behavior in v 3.6?

    This is a bit off topic, but I think Chrome and IE are the best browsers ( too bad there's no IE for Linux). That's because after you turn off all the unnecessary toolbars, u get the greatest viewing area. So as soon as Firefox get their navigation/options/address bars to half the size that they...
  12. garikr

    How do i add a page

    <a href="something.html">link to something.html</a>. replace something.html with the address of your new page and 'link to something.html' with the description of a link ppl will click on. Keep on asking :)
  13. garikr

    How do i add a page

    I don't know what kind of service you get from x10hostig, but if u have a free hosting, I'm pretty sure there is a line in your agreement stating that u can't host chats. Probbly have something to do with the traffic. But if you really want to make a chat, or anything else, look it up. Look it...
  14. garikr

    How do i add a page

    If you look at your page source code you'll see the line <a href="">Affilliate</a>. The href="" would take u to yahoo, the href="" will take you to google. I think u get the idea... I would suggest looking at the code, taking each tag( <head>, <div>, <li> and so on)...
  15. garikr

    Is this possible?

    First of all you are trying to use content from BBC site. I'm sure they've copyrighted their stuff up to wangyangs, so be careful. What is the problem? I've copied your iFrame code and it worked in Chrome, Opera and Firefox. What browser are u using? do u have the latest versions of the...
  16. garikr

    can't create tables anymore

    You are right, descalzo, using ` around the check does the trick. I didn't even know you can use ` in mysql. ` and not '. I think that's the first time I've used that key on my keyboard. Any other languages accept ` in their syntax?? P.S...
  17. garikr

    spam guard

    Thanx for the post, that's a lot of code though... :), I already have a bear boned messaging system, gona look through your code to figure what I can use. I wish there'd be a little more comments... Probly a good idea to start putting comments in my code...
  18. garikr

    can't create tables anymore

    The problem is that you named one of your columns 'check' apparently 'check' is some kind of command or constant in MySql. So this should work: CREATE TABLE subscr(ID varchar(30),checkid varchar(5));, or whatever you'll name it. I've done this before :) spent hours in computercidal rage...
  19. garikr

    spam guard

    I'm still flip-floping about what am I gona do with my site, but one thing's for certain, the will be a comment area. Almost every site, which allows you to leave comments, requires you to login, that alone stops me from posting 70% of the time. I'm thinking of letting visitors post without...
  20. garikr

    set up a nine part background

    This is what I got using your images since i'm gona take it down soon, I'm attaching a zip file