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  1. D

    x10 hosted webmail to iPhone?

    Tutorial there on how to setup emails on iPhone.
  2. D

    Dynamic Drop down Menu Coding Issue

    Thank you for that code its fixed it, i can't believe i didnt try that i tried it with parents but wasn't work but itemid worked perfectly. Working code if anyone wants to reference from it: $sql = "SELECT id, label, link, parent, page_order, ext FROM content_pages WHERE active='1' ORDER BY...
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    Dynamic Drop down Menu Coding Issue

    $menu['items'][1]['ext'] value is =0 $menu['items'][2]['ext'] value is =1 $menu['items'][99]['ext'] value is =0 $menu['items'][92]['ext'] value is =0 $menu['items'][96]['ext'] value is =0 $menu['items'][100]['ext'] value is =0 $menu['items'][93]['ext'] value is =0 $menu['items'][89]['ext'] value...
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    Two forums member accounts.. Need merging

    I wasn't sure where to post this as no section for Forum Support. I basically have two accounts on here one which is imported_disturbedart and this account. Are we able to merge these together so my account is just disturbedart. Thank you, Kyle
  5. D

    Pre-Sales Question really

    I can't remember but, would i be able to use a free server as a status monitor for my main VPS (hosted else where) As i was going to use a php script to monitor it so i can use it as a status report for others and myself. Any of the mods or Corey know? Thanks, Kyle
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    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    Thank you, all should be working perfectly now. Still looking for more people for our team. Thanks, Kyle
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    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    Thanks, i didnt notice the missing image, in firefox it doesn't tend to show you broken images just keeps them blank but now fixed and what gave you the 404 error.
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    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    It is, you probably viewed it as soon as i set the upgrade off :) Its fine now.
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    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    This is available again and looking for more people. Thanks, Kyle
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    Looking for Developers and Designers

    I'm looking for a people to give me a hand developing my CODE BLUE CMS which is only 50% complete, i need some fresh eyes to help me develop it and come up with new ideas. Also designers to make it more unique in view. Any interested just PM me or email me @ admin[at]blacknovadesignsdotcodotuk...
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    x10 hosted webmail to iPhone?

    Just manually set it up as an internet email protocol, and the iphone can then pick them up. I have my emails on my Android.
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    my login code doesnt work please help me

    Whats not working? Please provide more details so we can provide help, otherwise we are stabbing in the dark.
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    help with my website

    Please can you show us what your code looks like, as picture format doesn't matter, it will be more than likely an error in your work. Please provide an example of the code that isn't working.
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    TeamSpeak 3

    You can and if you got cPanel on your VPS check out cPGS as that has all the packages and low foot print versions ready for install all from WHM. Might help alittle as well for easy setup, as i use it on my VPS and works a treat.
  15. D

    No Porn?

    Because its against the Acceptable use of Service, and these are the rules that are created by X10hosting. Its a companies right to not allow certain types of media, and also more than likely its because its to keep the free servers from being flooded.
  16. D

    First time posting ~ please be gentle

    The website has its style but coding wise its VERY old school, i dont mean this harshly but it looks like its been coded in the 1900s, try to not to use Tables, instead use DIVS to create your layout. also with CSS you could make the page even lighter with using float parameters, z-indexs for...
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    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    We are still looking for more people to join us! BUMP
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    Get .in Domain with one year website hosting absolutely free!!

    And if im not mistaken is it NOT against the TOS to post about Revival Hosting Companies? Correct me if i am wrong!
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    Do you need a team for a web project?

    Yea if you can re-send the activation and ill keep an eye out, see if there is a mx fault on my vps.
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    Do you need a team for a web project?

    Signed up but no email come through Yet.