Search results

  1. D

    Web-Project: L33TCMS - Home Grown CMS Project.

    Black Nova Designs, is currently looking for a team of PHP, HTML, CSS and MySQL Coders to help develop our CMS, we are currently building. We are need coders with a excellent background knowledge of atleast one of the following langauges stated above. If you have knowledge of others please let...
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    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    Bump still looking for more people! Please Help out.
  3. D

    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    bump still looking for more people. Please if you are interested, leave a message or pop on to the website, and sign-up to the forums and leave me a message in my inbox under user = blacknovadesigns Also You can send me a personal message @ admin[at] Thanks, Kyle
  4. D

    Newsletter PHP Function - How to rip database emails?

    I have been creating a newsletter function in my CMS but not to sure on how to select each email from the database to send the email out. Each one needs to be sent individually so the "to" does not display everyones email in one big list. Should send out each individual Any Ideas? <?php //...
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    [REVIEW] Black Nova

    Please can people go through my entire site and see if they can find some errors i want to get this up an running correctly Thanks, Kyle.
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    [REVIEW] Black Nova

    Thanks for the update, i have never noticed that myself, ill see what i can do shortly, current in the progress of getting the new release of my new CMS out at the moment, trying to get it into testing stages to allow general public to use it. But Yea im trying to get all the other pages...
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    [REVIEW] Black Nova

    Yep totally agree with you, i notice the transitions at times that seem to lag alittle. Also totally agree with all your comments, i am currently re-building the whole of the other themes to match the rest of the site, it will take alittle work but ill post it up here again for review of the...
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    [REVIEW] Black Nova

    Hey can everyone, Review my new site! its been completely rebuilt. Thanks,
  9. D

    Web radio

    That page contains spyware. My work pc detected. The link you are accessing has been blocked by the Barracuda Web Filter because it contains spyware. The name of the spyware is: Trojan.Exploit.Uncat If you believe this is an error or need to access this link, please contact your...
  10. D

    Black Nova Designs is look for more Staff!

    Here at Black Nova, we are currently looking for more staff to help us along. We are currently looking for a selection of people to help us along. Graphics Designers (Unique design aspects preferly wanted for unique designs) Web Developers (HTML, CSS, PHP, MYSQL and .ASPX any of...
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    PHP Problem. only page id links

    Thanks this worked perfectly i dont know why i didnt think of this method, Cheers, Kyle.
  12. D

    PHP Problem. only page id links

    Hello i have had a dumb moment and cant think how to do this, i have been creating a CMS at the moment and i want to be able to have pages with index.php?pid=xxx but also be able to list standard links so links to a different directory. Does anyone got any ideas? as my current method only...
  13. D

    [PAID] Requesting Staff, Designers and Advertisers!

    Hello i am back now, i have been unfortunate and have been in hospital and been having alot of tests. So i am now back on the site, and offering this out again, who ever is interested still please sign-up to the forums. Thanks, I have PMed all that was previously interested. Kyle.
  14. D

    [Unlimited Points] Join Black Nova!

    I will happly send 25points to who ever signs up to my site from here, i will also put an extra 15points per post that is put on to my site, or 20 for a new fresh topic (excluding introductions) If you would like to do this please, Sign up to and head over to the...
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    [PAID] Requesting Staff, Designers and Advertisers!

    Hi i have got a small business thats just started up, im looking for the above, stated in title, All Designers would get an actually pay (GBP), if they design a site and sell it through us obviously at a ratio price of 60% to you, 40% to Us. If the design was fully done by you and not team...
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    [REVIEW] Black Nova

    Thanks everyone im still working on a few things to make it better anyway so keep an eye out for recent changes.
  17. D

    [REVIEW] Black Nova

    Can you all please review my site, please can i have some constructive critisism to help me make it look its best. Thank you. or P.S. If you Enjoy my site please sign-up as it would really help me get started.
  18. D

    Please review my site!

    Try searching WiredTechs in youtube they do alot of great tutorials on how to great flash intros for your webpage, your just have to code it in for your site yourself. Should be easy for you =]