Search results

  1. D

    New Design Studio - CSS Template

    Glad you like it, i used ZeroHour if i am correct, i will check if your in need of the same font. Anyone else got ideas on these? Cheers Guys, Dj ZinX
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    Need show script

    Can anyone find me or tell me how to create something like, bbc radio player, with all the shows and current dj and alsorts showing on the side? Like this I need it to show the next show coming...
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    [Offer] GFX space for all

    Got talent in graphics and web-designing? Show of your skills here. We offer our own templates and graphics but would love to have others joins us and get everyone showing off their skills. We are also offering places on the GFX team to help us build new artwork and templates. And the...
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    New Design Studio - CSS Template

    Please tell me what you think of this latest template i have just made, also this is my first EVER, CSS template. Hope you like it. Also it is up for download at Also...
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    Forum Personal Profile or Blog page mod.

    I need basically what the title says. I need a page for my Dj's so they can have a big profile about themselves not like the original boring phpbb3 ones. I also need the mod or script to be able to work with PHPBB3 for my forums at: If anyone can find me one, i...
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    FREE Templates for a Sign-up!!

    You can host any download as long as it is YOUR own work. Eg. Templates, Wallpapers, Programs, Music, whatever. As long as you have the write to upload it and your not breaking ANYONES copywrite or TOS you can host the file. Hope that makes the scene more clear. And please do not hi-jack my...
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    FREE Templates for a Sign-up!!

    No problems and replied to your PM. Cheers Dj ZinX
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    FREE Templates for a Sign-up!!

    Just authorised. But i have just realized i am misleading people. You must register to the forums for the downloads area of the site. As in the forums there is a downloads section in the forums which have all the files. Sorry for the innconvience. Dj ZinX
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    FREE Templates for a Sign-up!!

    Well im a web-designer and have been coding and designing some new sites recently. I have some new free templates recently placed up. I am offering them out to everyone. You must register to the forums for the downloads area of the site. Check out all the new themes here...
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    [OFFER-70+credits] Pulse Empire Sign-ups!

    Credits sent enjoy them. Offer still open to all.
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    [OFFER-70+credits] Pulse Empire Sign-ups!

    I said in my latest post, i am offering 70credits now. And i have to say you are very honest. Thank you for your honesty. But you may keep the 70credits. Just to let everyone know for sure. IT IS 70CREDITS I AM OFFERING NOW Cheers Dj ZinX
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    [OFFER-70+credits] Pulse Empire Sign-ups!

    Credits sent. Enjoy them, dont spend them to quickly! ;D Cheers Dj ZinX
  13. D

    [OFFER-70+credits] Pulse Empire Sign-ups!

    Enjoy your credits. Sent them now. Cheers. Offer is still open to all! 70credits for signing up!
  14. D

    [OFFER-70+credits] Pulse Empire Sign-ups!

    This offer is now re-opened. Please Feel free to start signing up again. the website URL is Thank you and your points of 70credits will be awarded to you as soon as im online and have confirmed you have signed-up. Cheers Dj ZinX
  15. D

    Pulse Empire :: Design Studio

    Pulse Empire :: Design Studio is a sub-company of Pulse Empire Online radio station! Thats why PE Offical site is the main Part of our company, also the forums are on the default layout for the main company but i am creating a theme for the Design Studio.
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    Pulse Empire :: Design Studio

    Cheers, Thanks to everyone who have reviewed my site. Please keep the coming as i would love to improve the site for all to visit. Thanks, Disturbed Art
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    Pulse Empire :: Design Studio

    Cheers i was meant to delete that post and make a new advert one instead. Sorry for the inconvenience. DisturbedArt
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    Pulse Empire :: Design Studio

    Cheers for the updates, i will look into changing areas. Also what resoloution was you viewing it in and what browser, so i can see if there is changes between browser and resoloution
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    Pulse Empire :: Design Studio

    Well i have just created a new design studio, for all people with extreme talent and novice talent. I would like to get your views on the new site layout and tell me what you think. Note: Pulse Empire is my main site, a 24/7 online Radio for all thats why the domain is
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    Pulse Empire Radio, In-Game Player

    I know how many people play games here and i would like to offer my radio station to everyone that plays source games. Would love to see people using the radio station. The original source for this tutorial is from Cheers, [Tut Start] By...