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  1. C

    Link Exchange with PR1 tech blog - haktech

    anybody wants a link exchange with a PR1 tech blog - pm me.
  2. C

    Playing DOS games in vista/XP/Linux like old school.

    Have you ever tried to play DOS games? do you know basic DOS commands? if you have nothing to do and want to explore the old DOS technology and be a Geeky gamer. then you can try this haktech guide. Play DOS games guide for vista, XP and linux Have Fun!
  3. C

    Anyone enjoying Left 4 Dead?

    L4D is a nice game.. but the downside is they got only few weapons. i wish they will add more weapons like counter strike..:thefinger
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    Interested in an old Q3 mod?

    i palyed it before. you are right it does not reach the CS level but its a fun game.:drool:
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    Halo Wars!

    i like Halo wars.. :lockd::lockd: cant wait to play it. very good game
  6. C

    Anymore WoW's?

    wow is the best mmorpg game..the game play is just good..:lockd:
  7. C

    Internet Security War is Coming...

    this is true that attacks came from china., one example is the code red virus. :lockd: