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  1. masterchief3k

    post nuke doesnt work...

    i install it with the addon-scripts page and it doesn't work..."session initialization failed" check it out just checking out pnuke...
  2. masterchief3k

    Happy Birthday Me!!

    Happy Birthday Me! Yay!
  3. masterchief3k

    never knew that! so wow.3 domains to choose from! i think i might switch....hmmmm :homestar:
  4. masterchief3k

    Help with ads

    i need help putting up my text link on my mambo cms...could an admin or mod put them on the site for me? like at the top or the bottom?
  5. masterchief3k

    Need help on why some things are...

    i was in geeklog uploading my avatar, and i clicked save preerences and it gave me this error: File Upload Errors Specified upload directory, /home/dblkill/public_html/geeklog/images/userphotos exists but is not writable and it didnt upload the avatar...why cant i upload my avatar?? why...
  6. masterchief3k

    what happened to IPB?

    i noticed theres no more IPB auto installation and i wanted an IPB board...can it be put back on there?
  7. masterchief3k

    ADS: can i use a button instead of a link?

    what whould i do? it gives me the error it cant connect, it connected at first, but hten it lost connection..i was uploading my mambo template...EDIT:it was only temporary... another one while i am at it.... a question about ads...instead of a text link , can i have a 88x31 button linking...
  8. masterchief3k

    was my account deleted??????????

    I can't access anything at!!!! Was it deleted????? :confused:
  9. masterchief3k

    hi , need help here with ads....

    I am using mambo and am wanting to know how to integrate the banner code for the advanced hosting banner into mambo's banner manager. can any one explain? ( :confused_ step by step??)