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  1. J

    Review My Site

    If I remember right, sites hosted here have to have English translations...
  2. J

    IRC Question

    Thanks, just wanted to make sure. :redface: This is the second time you have helped me in the last few days. Rep for you my good man! :biggrin:
  3. J

    IRC Question

    Hello, I just had a question before I did this just to make sure I'm able to do this or not. I would like to use this plugin for my MyBB forums. It would be my IRC located at elsewhere, but I know there is some chat rules in the ToS. So, would I be able to use such a thing or is it not allowed...
  4. J

    Disk Space Policy Change

    That would be having them running in a RAID configuration. :biggrin: Honestly, I can see why you guys have done this and it's a really good idea. I just hope that in the future you guys can still afford to stay free, cause I haven't found one other free host that is as great as x10. :smile:
  5. J

    Disk Space Policy Change

    So let me get this straight... I've had my account here for over a week now. I'm currently not using 500mb, but my site is not fully uploaded, people told about it, etc. If I were to reach the 1GB limit, I able to apply for the unlimited again?