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  1. Dahlriku

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    *edit* Ugh, link doesent want to work, copy and paste WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
  2. Dahlriku

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a piece of paper. There was also a blue pencil sitting beside it. Unfortunately, the blue pencil had not been used for a long time so the tip had mutated into a ballpoint pen tip. This made the person who decided to use it for doing weird and sick fantasies even more...
  3. Dahlriku

    Word Assoation Game

  4. Dahlriku

    Question about the referal link system.

    It is quite alright, and thank you for answering my question.
  5. Dahlriku

    Are there any Vista users out there who don't hate it?

    Well you can keep Xp but go ahead and get a different shell. When i had Xp i loved litestep. I will see if I can find the installer for the shell I used for a long time. but as for now im off to bed, night.
  6. Dahlriku

    You will get a kick out of this.

    common knolage is that for a 64 bit os you should have at least 2 gigs ram. i have a 64 bit motherboard, 64 bit dual core processor, 64 bit vista ultimate,a dn dual sli nvidia 8500 gt 512s, on 1 gig of ram. And i can still run Crysis. thoughts?
  7. Dahlriku

    what is your favourite shooter game ?

    Re: what is your shooter game ? i play warrock and crysis, and as for the botting you cant realy bot warrock but hacking is semi common. the one thing i love about my gimp cat5 cable(ethernet cord) is that i can tap easy as anything on the hackers. then they get annoyed and leave.
  8. Dahlriku


    yea, they killed it. as soon as i was going to set out to be a p-het collector they screwed up the tradeing system.
  9. Dahlriku

    Word Assoation Game

    Another forum game that i particularly like. What you do is you have come up with a word that is directly related the the previous one. The format usually goes like this: start word for example is sand poster1: sand >> beach poster2: beach >> summer poster3: summer >> seasons ect, ect...
  10. Dahlriku

    Question about the referal link system.

    I am aware that it is down, my question is not that or how long. My question is, will we be receive credit for the clicks made on our links while the system isn't working right when it is fixed?
  11. Dahlriku

    What's your Speed?

    All of this is behind a router. Download Speed: 18953 kbps (2369.1 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 2190 kbps (273.8 KB/sec transfer rate)
  12. Dahlriku

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a piece of paper. There was also a blue pencil sitting beside it. Unfortunately, the blue pencil had not been used for a long time so the tip had mutated into a ballpoint pen tip. This made the person who decided to use it for doing weird and sick fantasies even more...
  13. Dahlriku

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Granted, but you BSOD every 5 seconds. I wish I could teleport.
  14. Dahlriku

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    zapperpost, I think you and Shall do 3 biddings for you. Being now a fully regenerated undead, I command a horde of zombies to charge the hill and claim it under my name.
  15. Dahlriku

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    i ban hopper for having something against breathing.
  16. Dahlriku

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a piece of paper. There was also a blue pencil sitting beside it. Unfortunately, the blue pencil had not been used for a long time so the tip had mutated into a ballpoint pen tip. This made the person who decided to use it for doing weird and sick fantasies even more...
  17. Dahlriku

    Just wanted to say thanx

    No problem, sarcasm is great when one knows how to apply it.
  18. Dahlriku

    Forum game <King of the hill>

    I hug you while i am still radioactive and take the mound from you, them smack you with the koran.
  19. Dahlriku

    Just wanted to say thanx

    Your welcome.
  20. Dahlriku

    Forum Game <Story>

    Once upon a time there was a piece of paper. There was also a blue pencil sitting beside it. Unfortunately, the blue pencil had not been used for a long time so the tip had mutated into a ballpoint pen tip. This made the person who decided to use it for doing weird and sick fantasies even more...