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  1. stahn.universe

    Aparescan En Un Juego (GRATIS)

    Yo quiero el J D: (el nombre seria Stahn). RPG Maker?
  2. stahn.universe

    Website creation

    Dreamweaver/FrontPage whatever, they all suck. They all add some strange codes to the file. So it's best to use, Notepad2 or Notepad++, Firefox+Firebug or Opera+Firefly and pwn some websites. For graphics, Photoshop and XnView, because Photoshop resizing filters suck.
  3. stahn.universe

    100 por reslover unas dudas sobre algo

    Juga algunos FPS online, creo que deberian aumentar tus reflejos. Tiene que ser online si o si. Tambien deberias entrenar las piernas, hacer sentadillas bajo agua o el ejercicio de agarrar las pelotas de tenis son simples y efectivos.
  4. stahn.universe

    Secure your WordPress in x10hosting

    Thanks to the admins, x10hosting php support is great. But this also comes with lots of security risks that can be easily avoided with a plugin (while not all, most). First, let me tell you that if you screw up, you have to delete some .htaccess files, manually: Delete all .htaccess and...
  5. stahn.universe

    Concurso: 2000 Créditos, por LOGO

    Antes de que me digas nada, nunca me entere de que era para un sitio de hackers o algo asi... en fin, aca te lo dejo, si te gusta avisame =P
  6. stahn.universe

    PHP Year is a year outdated?

    According to WordPress Codex, the_time is a tag used for displaying the time of a post. So it was a problem of my theme. Thanks again for your help, now it works as intended.
  7. stahn.universe

    [Photoshop] Problema con tamaño fuente

    Debe ser un simple problema de compatibilidad. Abri ese PSD problematico, crea un archivo nuevo, y pasa todas las cosas al archivo nuevo, quiza asi se solucione.
  8. stahn.universe

    Buying text links 1K credits

    I'll pass then, thanks for the offer :)
  9. stahn.universe

    PHP Year is a year outdated?

    PHP Year function (I think is "the_time") is reporting that the server actual time is 2007. It's a server problem, or mine? I'm on Cossacks.
  10. stahn.universe

    Concurso: 2000 Créditos, por LOGO

    Esto sigue en pie?
  11. stahn.universe

    Need logo for 1500 credits

    Hope I was fast enough. If you would like me to put the Ikarian logo somewhere, please ask. This thing took longer than I thought, damn Bevel Tools are horrid.
  12. stahn.universe

    Giving away free website contents.....each has 100+ pages with inbuilt adsense codes

    Re: Giving away free website contents.....each has 100+ pages with inbuilt adsense co I don't get what's this. Free domains?
  13. stahn.universe

    Buying text links 1K credits

    Done! It's on the footer. Since I sell text links and don't know what's the value of these credits, I'll leave it there for a month (or more, if I forget =P). I'm not done yet with all the redirects but my old site has a PageRank of 5. Hope to finish...
  14. stahn.universe

    how is my website

    Seems like a placeholder site. 9/10 as a placeholder, 2/10 as a real website.
  15. stahn.universe

    [Photoshop] Problema con tamaño fuente

    En el cuadrito de texto donde dice el numero y el tamaño en pixels trata de ponerlo a mano y darle enter. Vendria a ser por el 3. Sino abri el panel de Caracter y trata de configurarlo desde ahi. Sino reinstala el Photoshop.
  16. stahn.universe

    Wordpress Themes.......

    In you will find extremely useful posts regarding WP themes.
  17. stahn.universe

    Addon Domain, subdomain as main

    I have a WordPress installed but no .htaccess file - and no direct access, just in case I will change the Home URL in the SQL, let's see... Damn, that was it. Seems like my brain melted yesterday because of life issues :happysad: Sorry about this, and wish me luck with the .htaccess...
  18. stahn.universe

    Addon Domain, subdomain as main

    From the cPanel: Yes, I used that option to put the subdomain folder inside the addon domain folder.
  19. stahn.universe

    Addon Domain, subdomain as main

    This is the situation: I want to be the main URL. I registered, put DNS, etc. After a day I added the addon domain in cPanel. When I enter it's ok, but when I put it redirects me to...