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  1. button_man

    Suspended for High Resource Usage?

    Hi, Is there an update regarding the issues around suspension?? Regards Darren
  2. button_man

    Suspended for High Resource Usage?

    Hi, I got suspended for High Resource Usage today, but have no idea what was using the resources. Can you pin point a specific function or app that might have been running on my account that was using a lot of data/bandwidth? Many thanks Darren
  3. button_man

    Errors on Blog homepage

    Sorting the permissions now, looks as though one of my plugins has taken offence to Wordpress 3.0
  4. button_man


    Hi, Could I be upgraded to the new adfree package please? Many thanks Darren
  5. button_man

    Errors on Blog homepage

    Hi, I'm getting the following errors on my homepage at I haven't changed anything; any ideas? Warning: require_once() [function.require-once]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/usr/local/apache/htdocs/blog/wp-config.php) is not within the allowed...
  6. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    Thanks for th eheads up Anna. I'll keep an eye on it and tough things out until June ;)
  7. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    Fair enough, but why does my account say I am using all my disk space when I'm not? :(
  8. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    This is what I too am trying to understand. i thought FREE accounts had unlimited disk-space, but it looks as though I only have 1024MB AND it's constanly full, despite me only have a couple of hundred MBs of data... Can someone please advise? Darren
  9. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    Hi, My account is still reading 1024MB used despite having deleted over 800MB worth of data. CPanel is also reporting 1024MB data in use, BUT when I view the actual data through disk space usage monitor the actual disk space used is nothing close to that. Any ideas? Darren
  10. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    Looks like my own stupidity. I have a plugin in wordpress that is supposed to be backing up to "the cloud". It's saving the backups locally. I have just deleted over 800MB of redundant backup data. The data monitors have yet to catch up though. Both cPanel and Account Panel still reporting...
  11. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    erm... no. The account panel is still reading as 1024MB used / 0 MB free, and I can't add anything to my site at all. Any ideas? Darren
  12. button_man

    Out of Space?!!

    Hi, I logged onto my account this morning and can't do anything. I can't upload files, I can't publish articles to my blog. all i can do is open stuff and read things. I went to my account panel and see that I only have 1024MB of space and it's all used up. 0MB FREE. i thought we had more space...
  13. button_man

    MySQL Error

    All sorted now, must have been a delay from the move. My apologise
  14. button_man

    MySQL Error

    I know there's some movement going on with MYSQL, So I apologise If I am jumping the gun here. I'm in the UK, so fathoming out the time-zones is a little tricky. I can't seem to connect to my MySQL database. When I view it in CPanel > MySQL Databases it is showing up as completely empty...
  15. button_man

    File Hosting

    Cheers sport, that's the exact site I was trying to remember... Regards Darren
  16. button_man

    File Hosting

    Hi, Didn't X10 set up a dedicated File Hosting site (almost like a backup and share you pics type site) at some point? If so can someone remind me of the URL... Cheers Darren
  17. button_man

    Chopin Expedited Copy
  18. button_man

    MySQL on Chopin

    no worries, fixed it
  19. button_man

    why is just gibberish? Has it been hacked?
  20. button_man

    MySQL on Chopin

    Sorry I can't find an up to date thread regarding MySQL and Chopin. I am on Chopin and my blog won't load because mySQL seems to be down. Any ideas?? Regards Darren