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    Dear Sir, My main domain name is changed to previous it was .com but my subdomain is still Plz help me to change it to
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    My account does not have 1024 of disk space.

    Dear sir, My account does not have 1024 of disk space. Plz upgrade. Thank you in advance. SabinKr
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    Want to get paid hosting, but with certain it possible??

    well thanks for the reply, i wanted to have custom package because, i have limited budget for now and thats why i wanted to reduce some features to lower the cost. Since custom plan is not available, once i m ready with the budget I will come back for the plan listed there. Thanks
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    Want to get paid hosting, but with certain it possible??

    Well i currently have free hosting for my site, but i want to have paid hosting with more enhancement, but i didnt see the plans that fits for me. All i want is 1. Same diskspace as we have current (i.e. 2.5 GB) 2. Monthly Bandwidth more than the free one 3. Payment option per year...currently...
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    Connection refused

    Whenever i try to go to my site its giving "Connection refused" error. i m being able to browse my cPanel but my site is not working. What's wrong please help me? domain: sub-domain: cpanel username: sabin Thanks in advance
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    My website speed going up and down too frequently

    Well my website is a minute can be loaded in normal speed and in another minute it gets too slow to load. its happening too frequent today. What's wrong with my site? please help me out Thanks
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    Checking mail query

    Thanks for the reply but i want to browse with the url like, i dont want to bother about ports and the control panel while checking mails.
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    Checking mail query

    well my domain is I have to go to control panel everytime i need to check or send email and choosing between 3 email interface is quite nuisance as well.All i want is just go to my inbox rite after i enter email add and password isnt it possible to go to my email using...
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    Internal Server Error and Errors in cpanel

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    Post your specs

    19 inch wide screen LCD 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 2 GB of RAM 250 GB Hard Disk Kubuntu Intrepid Impex Linux as OS
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    Internal Server Error and Errors in cpanel

    But commenting the line wont it hamper the functioning of the forum??
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    Internal Server Error and Errors in cpanel

    its below function in line 1100 @set_time_limit(0); might be my php version reverted back to basic version though it shows intermediate in account host. Before transfer everything was fine
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    Internal Server Error and Errors in cpanel

    Well my last post was totally messed up titled "Can't login to host...". So please delete that post and here are my problems: 1. My account host shows everything offline except mysql, though my php pages are running. 2. I get Internal server error whenever i try to post in my forum and...
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    Can't get into host account & error yielded in my site's forum

    after server transfer i was able to go to host account, but now i cant get into host account it says An Error Has Occurred Although you've logged in successfully, there was an error retrieving your account's hosting type from the backend system. Please post on our forums to seek support on this...
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    I lost my pages!

    Edited : Page now works
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    Query regarding transfers

    Thanks a lot sir :), I appreciate your support despite being too busy Edit: Dear sir, You've said you've added me in fixing list.. but still here is my info cpanel username : sabin domain: email:
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    Query regarding transfers

    Thanks sir
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    Query regarding transfers

    I just wanted to know the transfer is the frequent process or its one time process, as site being down for more than 2 days will not be acceptable to the viewers of my site. Thanks sabinkumar
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    Corey Got married!!

    well corey better late then never, moreover your marriage remains new for a year, congrats!!
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    Cant login to hosting account & site down as well

    I m on adfree plan Edit: well still everything related to my account is down, i dont know its possible or not..can i get my backup of mysql database. ?? and please tell me when it will up, i m really upsetted by my site's members comments, i m on adfree plan and my server is on lotus. Edit: i m...