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  1. 03moscropl

    what do you think

    what do you think about my web site? also i wounder if any body wanted to become site partners? :excl:
  2. 03moscropl


    you know about mambo well there is this new thing that when you upload it it will ad a gaming area to the web site and will score flash games scrores on the datae base. (not all games area supported for the exteranall scoring) it even has a module that shows a random game with 10 hights scores...
  3. 03moscropl


    I am using mambo and i have a componmnt called wwprogress i just uploaded it with out a hitch then when i accses it it says Fatal error: Call to undefined function: loadoverlib() in /home/igamer/public_html/mambo/administrator/components/com_wwprogress/admin.wwprogress.html.php on line 35
  4. 03moscropl

    shout box

    I know we have ads on all our pages:devil: but do we really need one in a shoutbox iframe?:excl:
  5. 03moscropl

    Halo 3 screen shots

    i know there same and there out the same day as PS3 and only on Xbox 360 but apart from that
  6. 03moscropl

    whatzzzz up!!

    hello I am Luke Moscrop