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I realy don't care about that.
If there are gay then it is his desicion not mine .
So why make some problems with Homesexuality(Gay) and not about Lesbians.
I don't get that, most of the people hate Gay's but not lesbian.
So what the diffrent about those 2. Only thing is about the gender .
If so...
i voted for agreed because if they will marria to each other then let them they are yust people.
Gay Lesbian or Straight it does't matter yust let them get marriad.
Stop Discimination
Well i think is a fact.
Because There is a Global warming atm, but there is a professor that say that whe warm up now and later like maby 100 or 100 years away the earth will cool down to a iceage and after the iceage the earth will warm up again.
Maby hi is right or maby hi is wrong.