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  1. W

    MySQL query sometimes worsks

    For future reference, i have just figured that a work-around for the 50% limit in the fulltext search is to do the search in boolean mode:
  2. W

    v.High res photo site

    ignore that second link, ive put it live now, so just will do, i still welcome feedback etc
  3. W

    Review My Site (please?) might be helpfull in checking browser compatabilities if you dont want to installl them all and check yourself
  4. W

    v.High res photo site

    ok so ive got the backbone of a re-working pretty much done, it can be seen at to compare against, Is it any better or should i go back to the drawing board?
  5. W

    v.High res photo site

    thanks all, iv had a busy weekend, but im putting in a little work on your suggestions, so hopefully i can make a big layout update within a week or two
  6. W

    v.High res photo site

    ok thanks, ill have a think about that sorta thing and try and come up with something
  7. W

    v.High res photo site

    would you consider this sort of layout to be any improvement: (links on the page wont work, its just in a test folder to judge the layout)
  8. W

    v.High res photo site

    Thanks for alerting me that the front page wasnt centered, i hadnt tested it in IE, now to figure how to make IE play nice....
  9. W

    v.High res photo site

    please suggest how it could be improved, what's good, what's bad about the layout etc... thanks
  10. W

    Making my site

    regarding white-out's thumbnail suggestion: This still loads the whole picture, so if you have a few photos you want to display thumb-nails of, which might be a few meg each, the user will still need to load all of those few meg, which will both make the page load slow, and eat through your...
  11. W

    v.High res photo site

    general comments, positive, negative, constructive, trolling, whatever, have a look, zoom around the pictures, and leave a comment if you have anything to say:
  12. W

    Mailing list implimentation.

    thanks alot, that looks great, ill have a play around with it
  13. W

    Mailing list implimentation.

    Im just using the x10 free hosting, so php is supported, and mySQL databases, im already using both of them in the site. I use a plain text editor (notepad++) for the editing. thanks
  14. W

    Mailing list implimentation.

    Id like to set up a mailing list associated with my wbsite so i can inform subscribers of updates, but cant quite figure out how to do so. I got as far as createing an e-mail account and mailing list from cpanel. I had a search through google and such, but cant quite figure how to have a form on...
  15. W

    Can't Login to cPanel?

    the login and password is different between the accounts panel/forums and for the cpanel, make sure you are using the right one
  16. W

    Screen resolution of visitors

    I notice that awstats doesnt provide any information about the screen resolution of site visitors. I would quite like to know this to help with the design of my site, so i was wondering is there a way to enable this in awstats. If not is there a way to get the information using a different...
  17. W

    MySQL query sometimes worsks

    that looks helpfull, ill try and work on some of the aspects mentioned there, may i ask your source incase it is usefull in furture? Edit: Thanks, thats working now, some of the tags were too short, so i lengthened them and that worked, and one of the tags was in over 50% of the rows, so adding...
  18. W

    MySQL query sometimes worsks

    I have a small table with about 20 entries, each entry has a cell containing a set of tags, made searchable by the FULLTEXT command thingy, so that i can search by tag using MATCH() AGAINST(). However, when i search by tag, some of them seem to work, and others not, i.e when i search for the...
  19. W

    Cannot login to cPanel

    Me too, ftp seems to be working fine thought