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  1. S

    Hey, I was curious about the Guestbook Php request you had... Is it still open or what?

    Hey, I was curious about the Guestbook Php request you had... Is it still open or what?
  2. S

    Must Have Programs on the Computer

    Programs I would have I would have to need are: I already have Adobe Master Collection CS4 But for some replacements: GIMP Inkscape Audacity Notepad++ And off the Adobe Suite topic: VLC Dropbox Avast WAMP (Apache, PHP, and MySQL) Flashget Microsoft Office/ Open Office LogMeIn Hamachi 2...
  3. S

    PHP Programmers New Project

    I would like to do this, but to be warned, I'm not the best PHP programmer out there... I'm curious, how are you going to plan this? Dropbox, Google Code, Google Docs? or some other setup option?
  4. S

    Get paid to keep your computer on! Up to $45/month!

    Hmm, I wonder, use the money you get to buy 4 crappy laptops and hook them up in the room with your router, and leave them on with this program... I wonder how much money you will make compared to how much power you use...
  5. S

    Why is my CPanel so wacky?

    Why is my CPanel screwed up? I tried using both chrome and Firefox to see if one or the other works but neither work...