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  1. gaptrast

    Review: a site with amzing, curious questions

    Hi, Have a look at my new site, ( ! Something I can make better? :biggrin: Thanks!
  2. gaptrast

    ordered lists do not care about my floated image!

    Sorry for not posting codes. I'll do it next time ;) I had to add "list-style-position:inside;" ul{ list-style-position:inside; } Thanks !
  3. gaptrast

    ordered lists do not care about my floated image!

    look at this pic: the text is right, but the numbers do not care about the floated image margin.. :D what can ich do? :D
  4. gaptrast

    Can someone please help me?

    oh thanks, I've done a bit more with the site, so take a look! I still need some feedback please . Thanks
  5. gaptrast

    Can someone please help me?

    Hi, a year ago, I made a website about computer pranks... it generated about 10$ in 2-3months After a while I decided to make a better and greater site about computer pranks, so I made a new website from scratch (with a new name). When the new site was nearly finished, I redirected all...
  6. gaptrast

    PHP variable variables array problem

    ok I have now changed to ini. but I have a problem: Note: There are reserved words which must not be used as keys for ini files. These include: null, yes, no, true, false, on, off, none. Values null, no and false results in "", yes and true results in "1". Characters ?{}|&~![()^" must not be...
  7. gaptrast

    PHP variable variables array problem

    Hello, I have a problem with my flat file database... they are built like this: title:BLALBL brief:Cool thing thing:asdf image[0]:http://.... image[1]:http://.... With the code I want the strings before the : shall be variable names and the string after shall be the value...
  8. gaptrast

    Changing name of website problems

    I had a website ( but wanted to make it better. Then after 6 months I changed to a new domain name and redesigned it ( i redirected -> But will site1's backlinks transfer to web1? And how do I "remove" from google?
  9. gaptrast

    CSS Float Problem 2

    solved it using inline-block in parent element. thanks to
  10. gaptrast

    CSS Float Problem 2

    Hello, I am using a website like this: Two floated divs with different heights according to the content. The problem is, that if I do not set a height it will show up like that they were not there. Did you understand it? Is there a solution to solve it?
  11. gaptrast

    php rank ratings

    I have understood a bit more, but not everything. Let me explain: writenow($p) is a function that writes something about the page (including ratings, description etc.). $p is number in $pages array. for ($p=0;$p<$num;$p++){ ... ... $rating[$p] = $therating; } This code makes the...
  12. gaptrast

    php rank ratings

    hmm can you explain it a bit more?? Let me try: $num=count($page); $sortedByRating=array(); for($i=0;$i<$num;$i++) { //get info include ('profile/'.$page[i$].'.php'); //also $rating (not array!!) example: 4 //check if $sortedByRating[4] exists...
  13. gaptrast

    php rank ratings

    Thanks denzilb22, but there is one problem I want all of them listed by rank, not only the first one. That's what I cant figure out.
  14. gaptrast

    php rank ratings

    Hello, my situation is a bit complicated so please try to understand: I have a page (index.php) that lists all pages and some info about them. The info of the pages ($description, $title, $tags ...) is stored in files at profiles/. there are also a file with an array ($pages) with all...
  15. gaptrast

    CSS Float problem

    Hello, I have, lets say 6 divs floated to left. If the container is too tiny it would be like this: If the divs not have the same height it would be like this: The problem is that the divs starts on a new line. I want it to be more like this: Do you understand my problem? Do I need to...
  16. gaptrast

    PHP write variables to file

    Hi, I have a form, and want to transfer all info typed into another php document as variables! Here is the form: <form action=".index.php" method="get" class="form"> <input type="text" name="title" /> <input type="text" name="brief" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> But...
  17. gaptrast

    Analytics help

    Hello, I recently installed a simple adblock detection script (javascript) on my site. This works fine, and it redirects users to a page saying "you have to disable adblock to coninue". I can detect adblock with a this code: function info(){ if...
  18. gaptrast

    PHP email

    hi, thanks for reply. I have searched a lot at google now and read alot, but there are still things I cant understand. Normal emailing is working:) I have added an upload script too, and its working:) The only thing I need, is to get that file into the email as an attachment my...
  19. gaptrast

    PHP email

    hmm I did understand 50% What is PHP-mixed and PHPalt ? Do I need to write them many times? Why is it one version with text and one with HTML? How can I get this into a mail form (like the code cybrax posted)`? If I put this into cybrax' code, do I need to change (add php-mixed and stuff...)...
  20. gaptrast

    PHP email

    THANKS CYBRAX!! It worked!! I have repped you++ I read something about how to send with attachment and I managed to do that. But I want user to upload their own pictures! I will try to figure it out. If i can not do it, i will post back:)