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  1. S

    Count to the biggest number

    Aw, we forgot the answer to life the universe and everything. (42) (Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy) tan((3pi/2)-.02) = 49.99
  2. S

    Count to the biggest number

    ln(20!) log in base <e> of 20! =42.34
  3. S

    How much RAM do you have?

    4GB (I know this is not in the right place for this, but is it normal that Windows 7 is sing 30-40% of that idle?)
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    Does anybody know a good tutorial for installing Ubuntu on a PC with Windows 7?

    I have Windows 7 running on an HP Pavillion DV7 Laptop, 500GB hard drive. On this hard drive, I have 50GB non-allocated, waiting for Ubuntu. Does anybody know a good tutorial for my situation? Or, do you know how to go about this?
  5. S

    Is marketing ruining the world?

    I'm trying to raise a discussion about the last two, corporate immoralities and the deterioration of our nation's integrity. What I mean by the warranty example is that companies, instead of making a good product that last tens of years and selling it more expensive, the opt for the cheap...
  6. S

    Count to 1 Million

    Correction: one four-hundreth Nobody did 99 bottles of beer, so here it is... 2356 bottles of beer on the wall. (And there's always more?)
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    Count to the biggest number

    (e^e)+e+e = 20.59 Isn't i the square root of -1? so wouldn't √i be even more imaginary? Also, we should probably wait for new users to post.
  8. S

    Count to the biggest number

    2^^3 (2^2)^2
  9. S

    Count to the biggest number

    3 factorial 3! 3 x 2 x 1
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    Attendance Sheet Re-Made (Keep This One Active)

    mattblog DeadBattery stardom techairlines mattblog lukoot icywind335 xav0989 techairlines mattblog lukoot mattblog lukoot conzone DeadBattery Mattblog DeadBattery MattBlog darzamora techairlines Mattblog DeadBattery lukoot Mattblog darzamora Mattblog lukoot DeadBattery shant93
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    Would you rather game ??

    I'm going to have to chose the polar bear because either one is going to kill me but it sounds more exhilarating. Would you rather count the number of leaves in a forest or Follow a ten-hour class with your most boring high-school teacher at the front?
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    Count to 1 Million

    2355 questions in my head. One of them: do you realize we're only about a fortieth of the way? But we gotta keep going.
  13. S

    Count to the biggest number

    RULES & INFO --------------------------------------------------------- I believe this is a yearly math competition at MIT, I may or may not be mistaken. Anyways, I am starting one here, and I may or may not be the first. Anyways, the goal is to write a number, or a mathematical expression...
  14. S

    Is marketing ruining the world?

    I'm not trying to be an activist here, it's just that we keep hearing these stories where, because a slightly toxic element cost 3cents less, they used it instead of the standard ingredient, etc. (This is off the top of my head, I am not thinking of anything), or that some companies are doing...
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    Student-run web magazine - The Other Side Up

    Thanks for your feedback! Lemon-tree: I agree, there may be a bit too many ads, but I was under the impression that the skyscraper ad was the one that I would keep and get rid of the others. For the forum, I was having a really hard time getting around the phpBB3's parsing and I could not...
  16. S

    Parsing PHP in Html Files

    But wouldn't that still make it difficult to develop locally without a test server?
  17. S

    Language Switching For My Website

    if you want a more, how should I put this, "graspable" solution, I basically have on my website a regular set of links that keep the $_GET for section and page, while changing the actual .php file. Basically, that website ( is separated into language, then...
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    Parsing PHP in Html Files

    I think I might know the problem: the <?php [...] ?> tag can only be used inside a .php file and not a .html/.htm file. This may cause problems for inexperienced users because .php files cannot be read by browsers, they have to be compiled (is that the right word?) by a server. If you want to...
  19. S

    My Personal Website

    It looks awesome, seriously awesome, but here's a tip for everybody making dark layouts: Pure white text on a practically black background is painful on the eyes for some people, so you might try changing if to #eee or something. It's your choice. Besides from that, it looks great.