Search results

  1. theafterthought

    How Can My Website Appear On Search Engines?

    First off, I am by no means an expert in this area! But of what little I do know... Meta tags are important, but mostly as far as how your listing will look in search engine results. The title tag is important for establishing keywords for the search engine as this means your page will be...
  2. theafterthought

    favourite website!!!!!!! and of course ;)
  3. theafterthought

    Best font for my website?

    Tahoma, lucida sans or verdana for me. Glad to see you have gone with one of them ;)
  4. theafterthought

    Forum Game <Film>

    Edward Scissorhands
  5. theafterthought

    Forum Game <Wish>

    You get cheese but it's so strong that it knocks you out. I wish the database at work would start working again as I can't do anything!!
  6. theafterthought

    what's the climate there?

    UK, Sunbury, near London - it started off miserable and wet this morning but is slowly brightening up a bit!!
  7. theafterthought

    Speed Up Firefox. Really Works!

    It does make a lot of pages load faster, but apparently isn't recommended for pages with POST requests. Pretty neat, though. Opera has this enabled by default.
  8. theafterthought

    Paypal to block 'unsafe browsers' I can't believe anyone would still be using IE3... to carry out transactions :spank:!
  9. theafterthought

    Any UK online stores/shops for PC parts and more?

    Have a look on as well :D
  10. theafterthought

    Forum Game <Story>

    There was once a magical apple, that glowed whenever you got near it. It shined in multiple colors, like a rainbow at the stormy beach of doom. It tasted like a really off tub of big moldy stew. This meant that the people of the apple had to buy a big, big, big enourmous mint to stop the apple...
  11. theafterthought

    What scares you the most?

    I voted "Clowns/dolls/childrens toys/nursery/'innocent' objects/beings" - the 'innocent' can hold the darkest secrets ;)
  12. theafterthought

    How much do YOU know about computers

    I know a fair amount, but it's easy to over-estimate yourself. There are always millions out there far better than yourself...
  13. theafterthought

    Forum Game <Wish>

    Qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm is a word, but anyone typing the word experiences instant bowel discomfort for 6-10 days. I wish I was good at golf, as I am playing tonight...
  14. theafterthought

    1,000 Creds for Logo

    My entry here:
  15. theafterthought

    Your favourite guitarist

    Saw him last year :drool:
  16. theafterthought

    When is Microsoft going to Merge?

    Definitely, I'd be much happier seeing that happen than Microsoft ruling the net :/
  17. theafterthought

    Is Vista Worth?

    Very interesting article, thanks port5900. Sounds like a better way to handle RAM and will probably be something that will be improved on in future OS's, though it's advantages on paper and in actual use probably differ quite a bit. The fact remains that Vista still USES more RAM though...
  18. theafterthought

    Your favourite guitarist

    I agree with networker, Al Di Meola is awesome. John Petrucci (Dream Theater), Jeff Beck, John McLaughlin, Paul Gilbert, Michael Romeo (Symphony X) and David Gilmour are some of my favourites.
  19. theafterthought

    Who uses what program

    I use Ulead Photoimpact, also Paint.NET for some things although it is limited in comparison.
  20. theafterthought

    Best Quote

    Woody Allen came out with some great lines, here are a few: "As the poet said, 'Only God can make a tree' - probably because it's so hard to figure out how to get the bark on." "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying." "Life is full of...