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  1. HermXIV

    Problem with linking to other html docs

    Alright, done
  2. HermXIV

    Problem with linking to other html docs

    I know how to do links. I put the About_us.html in the same folder as the index.html so the link <a href='/about_us.html'>Blah blah blah</a> should do the trick. It doesn't
  3. HermXIV

    Problem with linking to other html docs

    Yes, I know that. But when I try and link to them it DOES NOT WORK. that is my problem
  4. HermXIV

    New to this site

  5. HermXIV

    New to this site

    I am new to this site, but it is very similar to other sites I am on a lot, so I already have the hang of things.
  6. HermXIV

    Can money buy true happiness?

    I think the question is relative to what make's you happy. If material goods and having people around make you happy then yes, money can buy happiness. But if having people who love you and truly care about you around makes you happy then no, money cannot buy happiness. There is really...
  7. HermXIV

    McCain vs. Obama- Who's making it better?

    It depends on what issue you are debating. Politics are not simple enough to take down to " making the US better?". You cannot take such a one dimensional view of the candidates (well I guess you could, but that would be a bit asinine). You should rather consider their views on each...
  8. HermXIV

    Need Help can't delete a folder!!

    I think he want's to delete a folder IN that folder, not the public_html folder itself.
  9. HermXIV

    Problem with linking to other html docs

    Alright, I have setup my index page. However, whenever I try a relative link to an html page in the same directory (public_html in this case) It does not work. So say I wanted to link to an html document named about_us.html from my index, and the document was in the public_html directory how...