Search results

  1. motwera

    Review my Site (3WORLD!)

    Hi, I would really love if you would take a look at my site and give it a constructive review =) If there is traffic hit limit, please wait an hour , sorry for that :(
  2. motwera

    My new site

    at least this is the safe version =) lol I like the forums but I cannot register for now because i don't have the mood for that, sorry
  3. motwera

    SOPA Cabana (by Dan Bull)

    I hope x10hosting moves from godaddy domains to a better alternative because they are really getting me worried
  4. motwera

    Exploit to delete wp-includes?? what happened to our sites??

    Today I went to visit my site to if there is anything new but it appears that someone has an exploit to delete all what's inside wp-includes folder , Please solve this problem with me and other users affected with this issue :(
  5. motwera

    3WORLD! updated, Better performance and more... (please provide a written review)

    with Photoshop , i made it from scratch as the red one but i changed it to green for this site =)
  6. motwera

    3WORLD! updated, Better performance and more... (please provide a written review)

    I updated my site based on people's feedback and now it has a much more lighter theme but still some problems to fix although I fixed the magic quotes runtime problem (finally) with that re-enabling Mail and Activity and panel and making it work all properly. , Feel free to...
  7. motwera

    3WORLD! updated with a new theme, Please review it

    Sorry for the popup , its just for the warning of a bill that could screw the whole internet , its temporary ---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ---------- Actually there is a forum plugin , its just not bbpress , but its faster and its in Spaces>forums ...
  8. motwera

    Please review my website creation guide website

    He meant a Virus..
  9. motwera

    3WORLD! updated with a new theme, Please review it Sorry for bumping the review again, but i just want some feedback for the new look and other stuff =) hope you like it (Note : The mail and Social feed is removed due to problems with the plugin i use)
  10. motwera

    Please review my website creation guide website

    I like The Design but the text Links should be a little darker (at the Navigation bar and You are here because they are not easy to the eyes), Very informative and Useful
  11. motwera

    Cpanel CloudFlare Signup button does nothing, Help

    Please help me solve this problem and even when i check the I have read and agree to abide by CloudFlare's Terms of Service" it doesn't do anything any idea how to fix this?:frown::frown::frown:
  12. motwera

    3WORLD! website updated, Please review it

    The Theme has been reversed to the old one with the content area background white and no left superslide bar anymore The theme is customized by myself but not made by me (AAA starter) To everyone : I don't want to use Joomla because its crap to me. (the header is Built by myself as a...
  13. motwera

    3WORLD! website updated, Please review it

    Note : I changed the Theme of the website =)
  14. motwera

    my site..your thoughts...

    your site is just ...a masterpiece its great , keep up the good work one small tweak for the clouds pics , make it behind the menu and it will be better
  15. motwera

    The Tribute Pages - Major Revamp. Please review :)

    hey? aren't you someone who is from CM forums? btw , ur site looks good but needs some tweaks on the background because its too bright
  16. motwera

    Wordpress Plugins

    inactive ones: Select AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Buttons AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Buttons Help people share, bookmark, and email your posts & pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, StumbleUpon, Digg and many more. [Settings] Version . |...
  17. motwera

    Wordpress Plugins

    i have these active plugins: Select AddToAny: Subscribe Button AddToAny: Subscribe Button Help readers subscribe to your blog using any feed reader or feed service. Version .9.9.1 | By AddToAny | Visit plugin site Select AntiVirus AntiVirus...
  18. motwera

    3WORLD! website updated, Please review it

    Hi, for the last month , i have been working to get the website optimized and get better and better than before. please give me a detailed review to improve and i would be happy if you would like to be a member of my website.
  19. motwera

    Review my Site :)

    i will fix that the reason for that i thought my website was bloated without the ads
  20. motwera

    Review my Site :)

    Website Updated!! Tabbed widgets , fast and simple Less bloat even if i add an Advertisement :) Visit it NOW!