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  1. S

    [request] Banner [You Name The Price ]

    Hi, im currently looking for a banner. Dimensions: 468x60 Info: Banner needs to be appealing on forums and websites in general. Banner Text: Social Networking Underground More Banner Text(smaller): Bebo Tips Tricks Tutorials And More myspace Tips Tricks Tutorials And More Facebook...
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    Do any of you know Messenger Plus! Live?

    I have heard of it, and used it a couple of times, it adds very good features to your Messenger, and it has lots of addon scripts, such as clone scripts and more. However i find that it slows down the messenger on a basis, with loading times, message sending times and message recieving times...
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    [REQ][You name the price]Banners and Avatar Needed

    My attempt, any feedback is good :)
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    Found Problem With Website

    After the pending application is accepted will it work?, also is there anyway for you to speed up the process ? :cool: And now the apache sever is offline as well. :(
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    Get indexed in Google, Yahoo and Windows Live

    Thanks for that :) Also, how do you find out the pagerank?
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    [Offer]Phpbb3 Mods Installation And Script Installation

    Oh, okay. Sorry :( But seeing as someone else was doing this with script installation? Anyway if a mod has problem please close :)
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    [Offer]Phpbb3 Mods Installation And Script Installation

    I install mods other people made as some people find it very hard to install forum modifications.
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    Found Problem With Website

    Yes, in the php section it now says "Your application for PHP v was accepted and your account is pending a PHP version upgrade." I just want to upgrade phpbb3 to phpbb3.02 and install a arcade on php. :dunno: Thanks for help :]
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    Found Problem With Website

    I Am in the same situation as Vasli "Hello, my problem is... when i upload my script (phpbb3 forum) on the publik_html (i also try some other variations like the www folder) and start the script installation (example mydomain/install/index.php) the installation don`t want to start. On the...
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    [Offer]Phpbb3 Mods Installation And Script Installation

    Phpbb3 Mods I will install the mods for you and configure them as well if you wish. I can also if you rather simply give you the edited mod files. I will need FTP Access and Forum Admin Access if you want me to fully set the modification up. Important Info! Only Supported At The...
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    [OFR][You decide]selling permanent links

    name: SNU description : Social Networking Tips,Tricks And Tutorials Category : Teens, Internet Link: Sending 30 credits
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    vb6 help: Creating A Game

    Hi, im interested in getting some help for creating a game in visual basic if you have any resources to help that would be great thanks :)
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    What is the best CMS?

    I Use Xoops, but i'm looking for a change as well.
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    Are you ashamed of your browsing history?

    Actually no, im not :) Sure a little bit but not too much if you get my drift ?
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    Selling permanent links for 15 credits

    LinkText:snunderground Link: Text:Social Networking Tips,Tricks And Tutorials *sending 15 credits now*
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    Starting an Internet Radio Station

    This is also an idea that im considering, but not sure about the audience being there. :(
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    best console of your life?

    Nintendo64, first person to say it ? Best ever games on it. It started it all :D
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    best antivirus Norton or Mcafee

    I personally prefer Norton 360, and have only used Mcafee on few occurrences, its just classes below Norton :D
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    Php Problem: Phpbb3 Running Install.php

    Hi there i'm familiar with Phpbb3(forum) and when i'm trying to use the automatic update package, i can't run the "install.php" file, I also tried manually uploading Phpbb3.02 and when i went to run "install.php" that didnt work as well. Any ideas? Thanks Edit: Help Please. Edit: Please Help!
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    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban smok1e for banning twinkie for being in florida