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  1. blitzkrieg

    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    Haha ok then, of to the marketplace to sell my skills. :biggrin:
  2. blitzkrieg

    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    or I don't know.. maybe you could raise a little bit the amount of credits we earn by posting? I mean... how many posts does it take to get a free domain?
  3. blitzkrieg

    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    oh.. I'm quite far from the domain purchase at 10,000 credits... Anyway I'll wait and hope to get some credits by posting.
  4. blitzkrieg

    GameTap Beta!

    hmm seems quite interesting, thx for the link I'll really look into that.
  5. blitzkrieg

    Far Cry 2

    I played Far Cry (a little late because my computer was crappy at that time) and I really enjoyed the game, story wise and graphic wise. The sequel looks really promising to me, with a lot of dynamic effects and done by Ubisoft which makes a lot of good games. I'm really looking forward to...
  6. blitzkrieg

    What would you rather have

    I'd chose a PS3 for some games and, of course, Blu-Ray player. =) And the best Xbox360 games will get to PC at the same time or a little later with better graphics, so why would I bother getting a 360?
  7. blitzkrieg

    Battlefield Heroes?

    It looks so fun.. I hope it will be released soon.
  8. blitzkrieg

    Who here knows what MLG is?

    In my opinion you should look into the CAL instead (Cyberathlete Amateur League) which is more known and has a lot of division (from Counter-Strike to Warcraft 3 with everything in-between). Most of the time you can apply for a team, or the best would be to just play on a team's public server...
  9. blitzkrieg

    Corey Got married!!

    wow he'll have a lot on congrats messages to read when he comes back. =) Anyway.. congrats and I wish you have a good life from now on.
  10. blitzkrieg

    Virtual OS on Flash Drive?!

    What you really want in my opinion is MojoPac... I beta tested it back when it was still in beta and it allows you to run a complete desktop replacement with programs from a USB drive. I think it is really what you want.. no restarting needed, no installation needed and all the programs and...
  11. blitzkrieg

    Whats your Web Design Project?

    I'm trying only to make my personnal website, using joomla, notepad, photoshop and my html knowledges to understand.. the last websites I made were only done in photoshop and notepad so I had to adapt quite a bit for this one.. it looks good now and I think I'm starting to love the potential of...
  12. blitzkrieg

    Review my webpage

    you need to work on the design of your page.. try to check a few good looking web pages and check what details are there. Also, try to stick with a few singles color so the logo isn't a completly different color from your website.
  13. blitzkrieg

    Which hotmail email domain is better

    well I have and think it's the easiest to remember (people always ask.. hey, what's your hotmail address?).. has a better meaning and I think it looks better too.
  14. blitzkrieg

    Photoshop CS3 or GIMP 2.4?

    I'd say the opposite.. Photoshop is better in my opinion and works better too.. but thats probably a personnal choice. I wouldn't say it's really worth all the money asked for it but when you have it is so good (and works well with a lot of other products too).
  15. blitzkrieg

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    Re: Which Os do u prefer well I'm still on WinXP and love it right now.. it does everything that I need and allows me to customize it as I want it. I want to try Vista but don't fell like buying it so I'll probably have it on my next computer (except if Windows7 comes out first, which would...
  16. blitzkrieg

    Xbox360 emulator for PC?

    yeah but for those of you who didn't notice.. some games are never released on PC on only after a lot of time (gears of war? =P) so I hope maybe someone will make one someday.
  17. blitzkrieg

    Who is excited about Farcry 2

    The videos looks very nice.. they improved the graphics (which was already doing a great job in far cry) and paid a lot of attention to details. So it's not the crysis engine which takes a monster computer, but delivers very good graphics (in my opinion) which should allow people to play...
  18. blitzkrieg

    Can your hardware run that game?

    This is a good test but from my personnal experience you should always try the game with the demo version before chosing... a lot of games can run below the "minimal settings" not so bad or others will barely run on minimal settings... so a good test is better than everything else.
  19. blitzkrieg

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    I'm sure you'll find some time to drop by from time to time because you'll miss us (and because you don't want your website suspended :P)
  20. blitzkrieg

    x10 Rewards Returning Soon

    yay thats nice.. I was wondering when it would come back.. =) I just hope I can get something not so bad with the amount of credits I have now.