Search results

  1. N

    Giving accounts - Lottery

    I'm giving 1 account Of and 1 account of Type numbers from 1 to 65(3 numbers ex:25 61 41) The lottery experies Tommorow in 15:35 GMT +1 The numbers will be chosen by Let's start Thanks Nikolasr Edit: please delete this theard...
  2. N

    Please read!

    If your are using the torrent your hard disk will be 70 % uptime.So please people don't download torrent files ,he has damage your hard disk.I belive on this Thanks Nikolasr
  3. N

    Help on my gallery

    Hello i have install gallery and my friends says : hey i don't see captcha image why And please help me Look here please Edit: anyone?
  4. N

    Help me pls

    Hey i have login in my cpanel and he show me that i have 3 my sql databases and i delete two and again shows to me that i have 3 mysql databases. Please delete Thank you
  5. N

    I have no permisions to send mail!Please help!

    Why?I don't have send permisions to send mail? I send and he says send.My friend check mail and he says to me have notting found on the mail
  6. N

    Help me

    Hello why my website is slow?
  7. N

    Please help!

    Hello please help my site have this error Go to And what's the error? Why i'm having the error? Thanks Nikolasr
  8. N

    Please review my site

    Hello please review my site and tell mi what is the problem the url:
  9. N

    http is down

    hey http is down why?
  10. N

    I can't view my site .

    I can't view my site why what's wrong the url is and the cpanel user is pizzawe Edit: anyone?
  11. N

    Pls help me

    hey i load slow my site why look this? Server Load41.76
  12. N

    I need vb forum for 1800 credits;)

    Hello there i need vbuleltin forum for 1800 credits i will pay to you but the forum will be a legall and i want to have access account
  13. N

    Please help

    hello there please tell me how to set domain names to
  14. N

    I have two accounts

    Hello i have two accounts first is i'm work on him and two hosting account is and him i don't working i have install this domain for test.Please listen unsunspended my account and delete My...
  15. N

    Animated userbars

    Hey who wants userbars animated what you need to tell me? Example: Format:350x19(only this format is accepted) Images:Hey first type text Nikolasr then Member then hello Background:White with blue only for 62 credits Enjoy Tnx - Nikolasr
  16. N

    x10 hosting rewards

    hello i apply for x10hostingemail and why it's not working now why i don't have a mail please help..
  17. N


    Anyone to give me a vbulletin language(english) i've deleted:rant2: I've give a 55 points for winner Good Luck;)
  18. N

    3D images with your name

    For only 45 credits i've selling image with your name that's 3D Requst form(example): Background:x10hosting logo Font:Arial Dimensions:270*450 Model:Only text Credit Sent Status:Send! Some example is this:
  19. N

    50 credits for submit your url...

    I've submit your url to up 35 Search Engines for only 50 credits who want?;)
  20. N

    One question about hosting

    Hey did your hosting support WHM(WebHost Manager)