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  1. anish177

    ‘Google’ Word of the Decade, ‘Tweet’ Word of the Year

    Technically speaking the decade isn’t yet over. However, that hasn’t stopped the American Dialect Society from declaring that ‘google’ is the word of the decade. The American Dialect Society is a scholarly association dedicated to the study of English language in North America, which is...
  2. anish177

    CAPTCHA Tutorial

    Visit for free opensource captcha with implementation help for all scripting languages.
  3. anish177

    200 credits for the best slogan ( web design firm )

    :lockd:We design your mind in web.
  4. anish177

    chrome.exe has erros, chkdsk

    Sometimes this messages will be shown as a result of virus attack. Scan your PC with an updated antivirus and antimalware. Uninstall existing version of chrome. Get a new installer Intall it again
  5. anish177

    Sharp and KDDI (Japan) Unveil Solar Powered Waterproof Mobile

    Sharp’s mobile division along with Japanese mobile phone carrier have unveiled what could very well be THE handset of the year (iPhone Third Gen be damned). The handset doesn’t yet have a name but with specs like these it could very well remain nameless. This Eco friendly handset comes with what...
  6. anish177

    Upcoming Stealth games

    The stealth genre while pretty popular back in the day hasn’t received much love in recent times except for Metal Gear Solid 4. The Splinter Cell series has seen a change in direction with Sam Fisher, hunted as a fugitive (and even then there’s no word on his latest game, Conviction). There’s no...
  7. anish177

    Gimp vs photoshop

    Photoshop may lead some times in some features. But as far as the hardware requirements is tabulated against the features available surely gimp will be the leader.
  8. anish177

    How could you create a website lije this?

    The Simplest way to have such a website is to visit the following page and send a request there.
  9. anish177

    Asus Bamboo series Laptop

    Here’s something for the stylish gadget fan: the Asus Bamboo U6V. Yes, it’s made of bamboo on the outside and a little on the inside too. With a high-end hardware configuration and downright sexy looks, this ultra-portable is here to be ogled at. Features What impressed us the most was...
  10. anish177

    Is Safari better then all other browsers?

    Safari may be fast and super for some websites. But in my experience i came to know that Safari is not supported by some websites. Internet Explorer May be supported by almost all websites. but it is the gateway for viruses, spammers and hackers to your personal data. In my view Firefox is...
  11. anish177

    Free Software Suggestions

    Software Category: Remote Desktop Sharing Software Name: Team Viewer Short Description: This software enables you to share your desktop with your friends or vice versa. This software has a simple interface and of course it is free for non commercial uses. This software enables remote...