Search results

  1. mrxp_anupam

    My deviantart gallery

    Hey your gallery is really beautiful. Congratulations
  2. mrxp_anupam

    Netwasp ThemeMaker X v3.6.1 WinALL All PPC Smartphone200x

    Is it free??? You have other tools which are free...
  3. mrxp_anupam

    Help using FTP

    host: ftp://<yoursubdomain>.<yourdomain> login: id to login to control panel password: same as your control panel. You can also create new ftp id in control panel
  4. mrxp_anupam

    50 Credits to Register on my Forums

    I have created the user name: mrxp I am posting the intro. Lets see if I get some points from you
  5. mrxp_anupam

    portfolio template

    Can some administrator please delete this!!!
  6. mrxp_anupam

    popup creator

    You can also use they are really useful
  7. mrxp_anupam

    Best Color Combinations

    I go with Orange and white. I love blue (The one used in Windows Vista) as well
  8. mrxp_anupam

    Banner Request

    The image is not found boss... Please post it again
  9. mrxp_anupam

    88x31 banner help

    Hey I can make this for you. But why don't you learn themselves. You will make it easily. Get a software called JASC Paintshop Pro. You will automatically install JASC Animation Shop. You can do any animation at ease using this.
  10. mrxp_anupam

    looken for clan skins

    Thank you. They are really worthy
  11. mrxp_anupam


    In todays world no one sponsor boss. But if you pay I can make a website for you exactly as you like. And for sure at a real low cost. As much as may be a days expense for you!!!!!!!!!
  12. mrxp_anupam

    2 New wallpapers

    Which image are you talking about???
  13. mrxp_anupam

    Looking For Module!!!!

    Hello.. Can you give a more description on your requirement. What exactly do you want?
  14. mrxp_anupam

    3DS Max Tutorials

    Yes I agree that 3dsMax is indeed something worth using. But try and use the MAYA. its even more user friendly and beautiful
  15. mrxp_anupam

    Hosting template 3

    Your project does not work. We will wait
  16. mrxp_anupam

    Hosting company flash site

    What exactly does this mean. Can you write a bit more on this?
  17. mrxp_anupam

    Dreamweaver vs Notepad?

    definitely dreamweaver dear. Firstly you can reduce your coding time drastically and moreover you can see what you are designing right in front of your eyes.
  18. mrxp_anupam

    Noob Drawing (Free Lolipop)

    Why dont you use Jasc Paintshop Pro... Its gives you a lot of good designs
  19. mrxp_anupam

    IPB Skins

    hey dear... google it.. you will find tons of good themes
  20. mrxp_anupam

    What's your graphics design project

    Was trying to create a part of my project where people could upload an image and then crop / re size it according to their wish to be uploaded as the profile picture