OK, I know about important inventions, but I don't follow the newspaper headlines too closely, thus I have no idea if a London newspaper, or some other paper somewhere, thinks this guy is a genius. I'll leave this for someone else.
Well, at first I had no clue, then I considered who was asking the question. If it was someone else, I might not have got it, but I have noticed you have a fondness for trick questions.
He's going to feel pretty inferior when he sees this thread. Poor guy, I almost feel sorry for him. :sad: heh heh heh.
Anyways zen-r, I'm going to take an educated guess at your question and say Mickey Mouse.
OK, I can't keep this secret any longer. The name of the dancer with the scarf is Isadora Duncan. Her bio is a good read, she was an interesting woman.
I hadn't thought that far ahead. I just want to prove to myself that I can upload databases created locally with my own copy of mySQL server. And access these bases in the usual way with php. So far I haven't actually looked at it too closely, or even tried it, I just "know" it can be done. But...
I say no, we need at least one forum that is strictly for staff to inform customers. An issues can be discussed in a different forum, perhaps the "unofficial" Support forum.
What was the game?
Born in 1878, I was a famous and groundbreaking female entertainer who met an untimely death when my scarf became entangled in the wheel of a vehicle and I was strangled when the car pulled away from the curb.
good luck with the php, Garren, I'm just responding to Mission's last post.
phpAdmin is pretty much what I had in mind. My impression from the following thread is that you can indeed use it, or one of the cpanel admin tools, to upload a mySQL database that has been prepare offline, using one...
White: fguy64 Black ichwar
fguy's screenshot
ichwar's screenshot
Bump. The action is heating up!
ok, as of 04/08 17:05 EST I have server problems, so my graphic doesn't display. My move is 9.e3-e4 (PK4)
good guess, but not even close.
Here is a clue. Lake Superior is the world's biggest lake by surface area, but the two lakes in my question are much deeper. In fact, the number one lake by volume contains more freshwater than all five of the Great Lakes combined. Fact. :)