Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: Filename cannot be empty in /home/leog/public_html/hostsunleashed.net/feedback/feedback.php on line
That tells the story.. The variable "$tmpName" is returning nothing so "$_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']" is returning nothing.. make sure that your form script...
I like HP better.. I have found HP computers to be more reliable.. I stopped buying Sony Viao's after I found out that they overheat after 4 years.. At least mine did.. My HP Pavillion has been running for 5 years and runs Vista well.. No issues..
Re: HELP ME i every day login to Forums but my account every day is suspended help
Have you checked for the reason why it is suspended? If it says inactivity then maybe you need to log into the forums and make a post or two.. This will ensure that you do not get suspended for inactivity...
Hmm... For some reason I found the exact same words being used on http://bulletin.studylink.com/showthread.php?t=6005 and most of the words on http://www.thesitewizard.com/archive/custom404.shtml
Maybe copy/pasting others content isn't the best way to add posts?