Search results

  1. Z

    describe the person!!!

  2. Z

    Game: Team A Vs. Team B

  3. Z

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    The person above me is unbanned!
  4. Z

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    If it's so big, why hasn't it broken a world record?
  5. Z

    Random Unrelated Game--Continue the story

    a person who doesn't know that you don't repeatedly post the story over and over
  6. Z

    check this out - Google Music Search tottaly legal

    Just because it's on Google doesn't mean it's legal.. Downloading copyrighted music without paying for it is illegal.
  7. Z

    Get indexed in Google, Yahoo and Windows Live

    Wanna know what's funny? My domain has a google pagerank of 2 yet is worth $900 and doesn't have a pagerank.
  8. Z

    Subdomain for Webmail

    Well.. You can always access your webmail at .. If you wanted to have your webmail login at, you can try installing Roundcube or Squirrel Mail into the subdomain's directory.. You can also setup your subdomain to redirect to the cPanel Webmail login.
  9. Z

    osticket install help

    That's very strange.. Try deleting it and reinstalling it in Fantastico..
  10. Z

    Lotus not working for me?

    Try Who knows? It may work for you..
  11. Z

    Battle of the Browsers

    Re: Fav. Browser You know, It makes me angry that you didn't include any browsers for Mac users. I vote for Safari, even if it isn't on the Poll.
  12. Z

    Help Please

    Have you checked your spam folder?
  13. Z

    Bring back the arcade

    I voted for it but do understand that all those SWF files take up a lot of server space and bandwidth depending on the amount of games they have..
  14. Z

    php include

    If you could paste the whole PHP file in code tags, I might be able to help you out.
  15. Z

    Lotus not working for me?

    Thats a bad error.. Hulk is the Hulk Bruteforce Protection Service for cpanel.. That issue is usually solved by updating cpanel or restarting the cphulkd service ;) Of course, that means nothing to an ordinary user. A server tech would have to fix that. If your still getting it I suggest you...