Search results

  1. hopper

    Chain Reaction

    cutter emo
  2. hopper

    Chain Reaction

    sky wire
  3. hopper

    Which is the Best Fire Wall with out consuming system resources

    i use zone alarm free firewall or if you have more then one computer on your network and/or an older computer (p1 or higher pII or better recommended) set it up with two network interfaces and download and install smoothwall express ( on it and put it between your dsl/cable...
  4. hopper

    You never know where life will take you.

    hehe well said ive always been a firm belever of that.. be careeful of the toes you step on today for they may be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow
  5. hopper

    What do you think of Grand Theft Auto 4

    meh i have to disagree, physical age has little to do with maturity imho, the kids who have parents who would do that have other issues to wory about then just the video games. its the partents overall back on topic i havnt played gta4 myself but ive heard heard much about it and the little i...
  6. hopper

    mysql query question

    oh sorry $mysqli was the name i gave the connection string
  7. hopper

    mysql query question

    here is a query from mine it decrements all the numbers starting from a given point $sql = "UPDATE {$_GET['type']} SET id= id - 1 WHERE id > {$_GET['id']}"; mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql) or die('failed');
  8. hopper

    mysql query question

    perhaps your input paramaters are not correct? or perhaps you are not reading the output correctly?
  9. hopper

    [game} Rename the person above you

    renames zapperpost to bugzapper
  10. hopper

    mysql query question

    have you tried executing the query in phpmyadmin and seeing the results?
  11. hopper

    game: kill the above user

    i tie smith6612 to the rairoad tracks cliche villain style and run him over with a train
  12. hopper

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    i ban mattray114 for not having a 0 post count
  13. hopper

    how to install vb pls help?

    i think what he was trying to say is $config['Database']['dbname'] = 'forum'; should be changed to $config['Database']['dbname'] = 'dxflw_forum';
  14. hopper

    opinions on this design

    i would say a bit more like this but otherwise fine
  15. hopper

    how to install vb pls help?

    also did you make sure to add the proper prefix to your database name, should be i think "your cpanel username"_database if im not mistaken
  16. hopper

    how to install vb pls help?

    did you put the correct password for your database user? did you make sure that user had proper permissions to the database? i know those seem obvious but sometimes the obvious are overlooked
  17. hopper

    [game} Rename the person above you

    medpheonix to medevac
  18. hopper

    [Game] Acronyms

    Internet international nominal terror evidence requisition normal equipment toolkint
  19. hopper

    my site

    nobody has ANYTHING to say?
  20. hopper

    !!!! The NEW Biggest thread !!!!

    ehe where i wanna go is here