Search results

  1. dawmail333

    Forum Game <Film>

  2. dawmail333

    Game: Ban the Person above you!!!!!!!!!!!

    I ban Smith for banning a fellow Aussie.
  3. dawmail333

    Giving 20,000 credits for the best website design!

    @jjpeacha: I've going to show you a screenshot, there's a problem. This is in Firefox 3. That's what I hate about those types of layout. @bigjoe4: So mine's fine?
  4. dawmail333

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get an angry Corey (for destroying the work he made) and an angry populace (for destroying something so awesome). I insert a microwave.
  5. dawmail333

    Word Assoation Game

    Oi! That was abode not Adobe! Eh, I'll roll with it. $$$>>Dough
  6. dawmail333

    game: kill the above user

    Takes Smith6612 and turns him into a mouse.
  7. dawmail333

    Forum Game <Film>

    May the Best Man Win
  8. dawmail333

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get the teeth that were left on it. I insert Windows Vista
  9. dawmail333

    Suggestion re: Banned Users

    Aww... Still seems like a shame though... EDIT: Holy Corey! Enough credits???
  10. dawmail333

    game: kill the above user

    Sticks tektrnica into a rubick's cube and feeds it to a colour-blind pineapple that loves eating plastic. (Wow, that was random!)
  11. dawmail333

    Kick Me

    I'm actually humane: I wouldn't want one of those, so I wouldn't leave one on someone else either.
  12. dawmail333

    Anyway it is Possible:

    I've tried that too. :biggrin:
  13. dawmail333

    Giving 20,000 credits for the best website design!

    Well, I think there's been enough time, they've still got about 12 hours left (if that's AEST we're talking about). Topic? What's that? :wink: I hope he doesn't want that stripy effect, otherwise I'm done for. I don't think he does though, as he liked mine. So far, which one do you think...
  14. dawmail333

    Help with using my own domain

    Why isn't this in the Free Hosting section? Isn't it more appropriate to be there?
  15. dawmail333

    [GAME] Riddles

    Politicians? I don't know. I can only be seen in a set cycle. Everyone knows who I am. I affect parts of nature. Who am I? Tell me if you can. (I just made that one up! Woot!)
  16. dawmail333

    Forum Game <Film>

    Enter the Dragon (hooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww!!!)
  17. dawmail333

    Vending Machine (Game)

    You get a very annoying theme song stuck in your head (and you can't remember what it's from) I insert a hand grenade.
  18. dawmail333

    Giving 20,000 credits for the best website design!

    I don't think I can get debit cards in Australia if you are <18. I'll check though, if I can, I can use Netfirms, but 1and1 could be cool, I'll confer with my brother about that.
  19. dawmail333

    Need website name! (giving 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes)

    Remember all the people that use Football! World Class Soccer Soccer Overtime FIFA La Soccer (Viva la Soccer?) World Class Italian Faking Contest (:hahano: lol, couldn't help that one)
  20. dawmail333

    Anyway it is Possible:

    I know I downloaded a 25mb program that apparently took 8GB in total when installed, so yeah, go figure.