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  1. T

    Count to 1 Million

  2. T

    Good Joke

    I like the Rene joke :) This is the true story of George Phillips of Meridian, Mississippi, who was going to bed when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the shed. George opened the door to go turn off the light but saw there were people in the shed in the process of stealing...
  3. T

    Guess Who Posts Next

    Nope. I guess someone who doesn't use twitter.
  4. T

    Count to 1 Million

  5. T

    What do you do on the computer?

    Listening to music + stumbleupon take up most of my time on the computer :)
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    Who Here Grabbed Windows 7?

    At first I d/led it then ran it in virtual machine with 512mb ram but it was a bit laggy so I decided i'd just make a new partition and use it, but something went wrong with the partitioning and it messed up my computer :( So now the only OS I have installed is Windows 7 because whenever I try...
  7. T

    Do you believe in God?

    I don't believe in any God, and I haven't for most of my life, and to be honest I can't really see science progressing far enough to prove indefinitely one way or another in my life time (and i'm only 16!). I find some aspects of religion(s) fascinating, such as the gods in Norse mythology, but...
  8. T

    Battle of the Browsers

    Definately Firefox 3 :) I probably couldn't live without all my lovely extentions. I'm not too bothered by aesthetics for it because the default theme isn't too fugly to make me want to change it, lol.
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    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    I used to use Avast! for a few years, but I recently switched to Nod32 after i'd heard some pretty good things about it. Still both quite good antiviruses though :) Really loved avast! because before that I'd had Norton, so pretty much anything was a huge step up.
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    Full URL

    Wow, thanks for the quick response :D
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    Anyone using Twitter?

    I use twitter, :)
  12. T

    what is the worst virus you've had?

    One that my school had (and because they failed to fix it, I now have on my ram stick) is the Win32\conficker.b worm. It shouldn't be too hard to remove because i've disabled autoplay + i've got Nod32, but its still annoying that I got it in the first place -_-
  13. T

    Full URL

    I'm not sure what its actually meant to be called, but could anyone tell me what the full url is, because I need to change the upload directory for wordpress but don't know the whole thing. /www/ I was just guessing that it was that, could...
  14. T

    Hello all

    Hey, I'm new to x10hosting but I've only heard good things about it :D