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  1. iwarrior

    Please review my site few months old

    hi all made a website its a islamic video site and im not hosting the videos just getting the embed codes copy and paste lol made the design my self and just finished tweaking the style a bit today just wanted some reviews tought post it here;)
  2. iwarrior

    lost all my post?

    thanks this time im sure i will make backups thanks bro:biggrin:
  3. iwarrior

    lost all my post?

    thanks guys and thank god its restored back to recent thank you once again:biggrin:
  4. iwarrior

    lost all my post?

    hi after lotus down time my website is restored to i dont know when but very old back up i had 40 posts know only14:eek4: its not first time it happend b4 but i had a back up please help me i dont have a back up please
  5. iwarrior

    Free Domain(Read This)

    wow awsome thanks corey but shame i dont have a credit card
  6. iwarrior

    why im keep getting suspended?

    Thanks bro i have deactivated most plugins just few running but how do i know which one is using to much resourcess? if i activate again then it will be the third time im gona be suspended i dont know how to write my own im not good in php
  7. iwarrior

    why im keep getting suspended?

    hello im keep being suspended for high resources usage im using wordpress i got suspended 2 times i disabled most plugins still got suspended this is what i get
  8. iwarrior

    Anyone tried Google Chrome?

    i dont like google chrome i have tryed it but no i love firefox is the best
  9. iwarrior

    hello im new

    hello to all im kyle 24 years old from united kingdome was looking for free hosting and found x10hosting hope its not like other hosting sites.peace:biggrin: